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New guy from the frozen North

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  • New guy from the frozen North

    Good Day.

    I have ben looking around for a new project for a while now. I have build several Highly modified Snowmobiles turbo and supercharged and dirt bikes over the years.

    The Bear Hawk caught my eye as a capable all around aircraft.

    While I enjoy STOL capability as much as the next guy to me planes are to go places, so speed and range is also part of what I look for.

    I learned to fly 27 years ago and flew anything I could get my hands on from Ultralights to your standard Cessna products. Owned a Luscombe J3 as private aircraft

    and from there went on to Super Cubs 3 different Maules Cessna 180/185/ 206 Found Bush Hawks and Beavers.

    I have run my own Air Service for 23 years and build up all our aircraft to perform at the best the type can be. Flight time just happens when you do this type of work.

    We specialize in Float Ski and of strip work.

    Homebuilts appeal to me because I like to experiment and not be limited by certified Aircraft.

    This endeavour is purely for the fun of flying nothing else.

    After al this time in the Air I still love flying more than most other sport, I also like to do from Dirt-biking Snowmobiling snowboarding you name it.

    I am still active on the local chapter of the Owners and pilots association and enjoy working and flying with the new pilots coming up in the ranks.


  • #2
    Welcome Gerd!


    • #3
      Welcome! Sounds like your living the dream. I’m jealous for sure. I’m excited about having someone with your resume on the forum. I’d love to put my BH on floats (but that won’t happen any time soon), I just started building some Fli-lite 3000 clones to put my plane on skis, and I’ll pickup some 29s bushwheels I bought from a friend as soon as I get a free day with good weather. But I zero experience flying airplanes equipped with such things.

      So far my BH has been great. My buddy with a early C180 is envious of the performace and says he’d accept the slighly slower speed to gain the funner handling, the cargo door and EAB certificate.
      Scratch Built 4-place Bearhawk. Continental IO-360, 88" C203 McCauley prop.

