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Bearhawk Patrol Scratch builder

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  • #16
    If you have a milling machine do this. Machine a piece of steel to a thickness equal to the exact length of the rivet you want. Drill a #30 or #40 hole in it. Now place an overlength rivet in it and using a sanding disc shorten the rivet to the exact length. You will have a perfect length rivet with square ends that will rivet cleanly. You can crank out rivets at a high rate. I keep a set on hand for all the fractional lengths I typically use.


    • #17
      I recommend doing what spinningwrench says.

      I only did it the stupid way because I was positive I would not bend another rivet - right up until I bent another rivet.
      Austin Tx


      • #18
        Fuf. Done with main spars. Looking good. Now I have a few questions about the rear spar. Plans call for 8 nose ribs and 9 pocket ribs. What I don't get is why there is an extra pocket rib? shouldn't it be the same? Also, the rear spar has aileron hinge reinforcement near the wingtip. Shouldn't there be a spacer to put the rib?
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        • #19

          there is info on b-spot youtube
          Austin Tx


          • #20
            The pocket ribs between the hinges don't need to match the aileron structure. They are aligned with the center ribs. Same rivets for two attach angles that way.
            I used a spacer between the outboard doublers.
            Scratch building Patrol #275
            Hood River, OR

