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  • New here

    New hear figured I’d ask some questions before buying the kit I want. I’m between a companion and a big 4 . Does anyone have pics of a completed companion with the 2+2. I’m planning a o-320 or a o360.
    Last edited by Bobob729; 08-26-2024, 09:40 PM.

  • #2
    The Companion and the 4 are mostly the same airplane, The Companion deletes the big cargo doors, rear seat, and slightly lighter (Patrol?) wings. Probably under 100 lbs weight. I call my build a Companion+ or a 4-. It is a 4 without a rear seat. But I can put a rear seat in it if I want. The two are so similar, I never understood the need to differentiate. Then again I am not a marketing guru.


    • #3
      Welcome! What are you planning to do with the airplane when it is done? What type of airport/place will you fly from, how much load will you want to carry, how high, and how far? The steel tube portion of the Companion is built on the same jig as the 4-Place. The cowl and cabin are shorter as John said.
      ​​​​​​If you were only to consider a 320, that would rule out the 4-Place. The 360 would do fine in both depending on the mission.


      • #4
        IMG_4050.jpg IMG_0575.jpg IMG_0575.jpg Full credit to Dave Lenart for this build.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          The plan for us is to travel cross country more than anything and on occasion take 1 small child and accessories and luggage. No back country for us. Just want to have the extra baggage when we need it. I just wanted to see the main difference. Companion with back seat install and how much space u loose with back seat installed. It looks like we are leaning more along the lines of a bh4 vs companion. If we go that route I’d definitely be upgrading to at least a o-360.


          • #6
            Is that one adult and one child, or two adults and one child? If the latter, then definitely the 4-place. It will still perform very well with a 360-390 with that load. If you are going to be routinely climbing above 8000' at 2500 pounds, the 6-cylinder will be a better choice. The other questions are important too but if you get yo visit Virgil you will be in good hands with understanding the missions and capabilities.


            • #7
              On occasion 2 adults 2 children but doubt we would get close to fully loaded with everyone. Plus we live in ks but I understand having the bigger motor. I’ve talked to them a couple times. Going to try and make a trip down to the Oklahoma to check everything out before we decide on anything. Wife makes the final decision. If I could I’d own every bearhawk and probably more planes I don’t need. Currently building a rans s-21 which I’m looking to trade or sell for a bearhawk 4 place kit or slightly finished. Also have a Wittman w8 tailwind and a spa panther.


              • David Swartzendruber
                David Swartzendruber commented
                Editing a comment
                I'm also in Kansas and building a Bearhawk LSA in the Wichita area. Welcome to the Bearhawk community and I look forward to meeting you someday.

            • #8
              I live in wichita and would love to check out your build. If you don’t mind. I’m free almost anytime.

