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Here to learn before embarking on a QB journey.

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  • Here to learn before embarking on a QB journey.

    Hi all, I'm Brendan and live in the Phoenix, Arizona area (Surprise to be precise) with my wife and 2 young kids. I'm a flight deck human factors engineer and I'm just here to lurk and learn before purchasing a kit in the next few years. Thank you for having me!

    On a side note, I fat fingered my username, anyone know how to fix that?

  • #2
    Welcome! I can fix your username, either reply or PM. You have some great mentor possibilities in that area. Are you already in.touch with the local crew?


    • #3
      Hi, thanks! It was supposed to read headintheclouds, with a t not a g.

      I have not made contact with anyone else, yet.


      • #4
        That is fixed although the username is case sensitive and it currently has a capital H. The folks you want to look for include Pat Fagan, Scott Williamson, and Kevin Deutscher.
        Here is the map:
        Visit to add yourself to this map! Red Star: Bearhawk Five Scratch-build Blue Star: Bearhawk Five Kit Yellow Star: Bearhawk Five Mix Blue Dots: 4-Place Kits Red Dots: 4-Place Scratch-build Yellow Dots: 4-place Mix Blue Pins: Patrol Kits Red Pins: Patrol Scratch Build Yellow Pins: Patrol Mix Red Circles: Bearhawk LSA Scratch Build Blue Circles: Bearhawk LSA Kit Yellow Circles: Bearhawk LSA Mix Hiking People: Bearhawk Companion Airplane: completed and flying airplane


        • #5
          Thank you!


          • #6
            Welcome to the group!


            • #7
              Happy New Year and welcome. This is a excellent resource for shared knowledge and experience.
              QB Companion C-9


              • #8
                Welcome! We live in San Tan Valley and are based at Pegasus (5AZ3). We are on the waitlist for a BH5 which we put a deposit on at Oshkosh. We also flew our Glasair Sportsman to visit Virgil and get a flight in. Bobby has a Bearhawk 4 here at Pegasus that he built.


                • Headintheclouds
                  Headintheclouds commented
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                  Cool! I have no skills in this area but I do have two hands, let me know if you needs some extra once you start

              • #9
                Welcome to the group! I live in Goodyear and have my 4-place project based at the Goodyear Airport. You are welcome to swing by anytime you'd like, shoot me a PM.


                • Headintheclouds
                  Headintheclouds commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Very cool, and close. How far along are you?