Im so frustrated I could chew neutronium...........
Making my 3/4 mdf nose rib cutting jig. All done except for cutting the 2 big round holes. Wen all the way across town to the only place that stocked a fly cutter.
Wood river brand. Got home- set it up in the milling machine to test on some scrap. I replaced the central bit with a smooth pin so as not to make the hole bigger as it was cutting.
First strike----- the bit in the center is metric - 6 mm. So I machined a steel pin on the lathe to fit into it and be 1/4 on the rest. Put that in it. Turned on mill. end of pin
is out of round by about 1/4 inch. Put pin in lathe -- not the pin. the I took the fly cutter apart and put it into the lathe. The central hole where the bit goes is off center AND
crooked. Typical chinese quality. Tried boring the hole out with a 1/4 inch boring bar to true it. The allen screw hole caught on the bar and ruined my boring bar.
Tried putting a steel plug in the end and re-drilling..... that didnt work either. Im basicly going to throw the piece of dirt away. Nothing on it is worth saving. Total waste
of money and time. It was a wind river model. the "general" brand one is also chinese and looks pretty much the same. Those are the only ones I know of.
The only way I can think of to cut the MDF circle accurately is with some kind of circle jig on the dremel. make many shallow passes from both sides. Dremel makes one
but NO ONE has it in stock. Not sure if I had it if it would be rigid enough.
I can finish up the edges of the hole on the spindle sander --- but i want the holes square and evenly circular and of constant accurate radius.
Looks like I will have to make my own circle cutting tool for the dremel.
Wow- this is frustrating........ remind me NEVER to buy chinese. ever again..... getting fed up with foreign made "products" that approximate steel with play dough.......
And fed up with american CEO's whos greed wont allow them to stock anything BUT chinese ...... They couldnt give a rats's ass if whatever it is works for more than
15 sec in the hands of the consumer. All they care about is their 40 million golden parachute when they are fired by the directors for running the company into the ground.
Is it any wonder I spend more time making tools than using them ?
any great ideas on how to cut a clean , round accurate hole in 3/4 mdf ?
Making my 3/4 mdf nose rib cutting jig. All done except for cutting the 2 big round holes. Wen all the way across town to the only place that stocked a fly cutter.
Wood river brand. Got home- set it up in the milling machine to test on some scrap. I replaced the central bit with a smooth pin so as not to make the hole bigger as it was cutting.
First strike----- the bit in the center is metric - 6 mm. So I machined a steel pin on the lathe to fit into it and be 1/4 on the rest. Put that in it. Turned on mill. end of pin
is out of round by about 1/4 inch. Put pin in lathe -- not the pin. the I took the fly cutter apart and put it into the lathe. The central hole where the bit goes is off center AND
crooked. Typical chinese quality. Tried boring the hole out with a 1/4 inch boring bar to true it. The allen screw hole caught on the bar and ruined my boring bar.
Tried putting a steel plug in the end and re-drilling..... that didnt work either. Im basicly going to throw the piece of dirt away. Nothing on it is worth saving. Total waste
of money and time. It was a wind river model. the "general" brand one is also chinese and looks pretty much the same. Those are the only ones I know of.
The only way I can think of to cut the MDF circle accurately is with some kind of circle jig on the dremel. make many shallow passes from both sides. Dremel makes one
but NO ONE has it in stock. Not sure if I had it if it would be rigid enough.
I can finish up the edges of the hole on the spindle sander --- but i want the holes square and evenly circular and of constant accurate radius.
Looks like I will have to make my own circle cutting tool for the dremel.
Wow- this is frustrating........ remind me NEVER to buy chinese. ever again..... getting fed up with foreign made "products" that approximate steel with play dough.......
And fed up with american CEO's whos greed wont allow them to stock anything BUT chinese ...... They couldnt give a rats's ass if whatever it is works for more than
15 sec in the hands of the consumer. All they care about is their 40 million golden parachute when they are fired by the directors for running the company into the ground.
Is it any wonder I spend more time making tools than using them ?
any great ideas on how to cut a clean , round accurate hole in 3/4 mdf ?