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Bearhawk in the backcountry

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  • #31
    Flying South for the winter, with friends.

    Frosty nose after a cold night out

    Frozen prop blade at the top, a foggy morning.

    A cold Bearhawk!


    • #32
      Here is a video of the Bearhawk landing, it's kinda shaky so I hope you don't get motion sickness... I was flying not filming :P


      • #33
        All this bearhawk porn is killing me!
        Scratch building Patrol #275
        Hood River, OR


        • #34
          A snap from the weekend... will have some more video soon.


          • #35
            Still haven't had time to make another video.

            Here are some photos from this weekend:

            Volcanic crater lake.

            High mountain tussock lands, snow still melting after a recent fall.

            Landing at the bushline, only 4000ft but high enough. Taking a 14kt tailwind into this strip, because of the uphill angle (and my pathetic brakes - still waiting on parts).

            I had to park here for a photo... the top end of this airstrip is like a waterlogged roller-coaster. Uphill, corner, downhill, swamp with 3" water, uphill again. Changing from a L-R slope to a R-L slope too.
            My first thought was to land in the short 60m (186ft) swampy hollow in the photo, to take the cross-headwind so my touchdown would only be at 20kts instead of >50kts, but the rough wet surface and my 'single-puck' brakes meant that directional control was an issue with power-off + tailwind. I did three practice landings to get a feel for the surface, and I am glad I did, with power for steering and the tailwind pushing me I needed the entire length of the airstrip, including the roller-coaster swamp.... New brakes cannot arrive soon enough!!!!
            The rest of the airstrip (photo above) is over the small hill on the right side of the photo.
            Last edited by Battson; 07-06-2014, 08:24 PM.


            • #36
              Now running the tires down at 15psi, with inner tubes and bead-lockers installed.


              • #37
                Are you still happy with your 26's or do you wish you had gone a bit bigger?
                Scratch-building 4-place #1231
                Almost Wyoming region of Nebraska


                • Battson
                  Battson commented
                  Editing a comment
                  I am definitely happy.
                  Of all the photos you see taken off-airport, the 24" (26) Goodyears are perfectly suited for over 90% of those places people take aircraft.
                  I didn't lose a knot of airspeed moving up from the 8.00's. For me personally, it wouldn't be worth the airspeed hit to occasionally land on a much rougher spot. I do a lot of long cross country flights.
                  The ramp appeal is 10x better than with the 8.00's. At less than 15psi the felt impact at touchdown is non-existent, and the floatation on soft sand is about 10x better too.
                  So there's really nothing not to like!

                  I am very happy I didn't fall into the "trap" of going too big, those ABW tires are amazing, but certainly don't fit my mission well.

                • bestbearhawk1231
                  bestbearhawk1231 commented
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                  Glad to hear you are happy. I have been debating about 8.5x6's or the goodyears. It will be interesting to see how they hold up. How much landing do you do on paved runways?

                • Battson
                  Battson commented
                  Editing a comment
                  To be honest, I did toss and turn between 26" ABWs and 26 (24) Goodyears - I knew I didn't need to go any bigger, but it was the paved runway thing [and the subsequent replacement cost] which finally made my mind up.

                  I have to taxi on rough chip to my hanger, and run-up on rough chip, etc. There are also some important re-fuelling airports which don't have a grass option. I estimate one paved landing every 2 months. But otherwise, I always use the grass.

              • #38
                What are you using for bead locks?
                John Flaherty
                Bearhawk #1293
                Thornton, CO


                • Battson
                  Battson commented
                  Editing a comment
                  I will post another thread with photos, in the building tips section.

              • #39
                I'm just putting a copy of this video here, so it's part of the storyline...

                Testing the new tires on sand:

                Trying to get more video sorted out to post, if only my computer wouldn't play-up so much...... Movie Maker loves to crash it.


                • #40
                  Video of a short take-off from the riverbed.

                  And a take-off from a different riverbed, this one was the shortest spot I've landed on yet. I paced it out at about 100m (310ft) available at most, of which I used 65m (200ft) to get stopped.

                  I kept the plane on the ground until I was on the sand by the water, to avoid lowering the tail into the path of flying stones thrown by the main wheels...


                  • #41
                    Photo of the gravel bar in the above video. Braking on wet or frosty grass compared to this gravel surface was like night and day.

                    A photo from a recent hunting trip - more to follow.


                    • #42
                      Now that's a 'Money Shot'. Absolutely beautiful!
                      It should make the cover of a few magazines if they're paying attention
                      John, Naples FL
                      Bearhawk 4-Place Plans #1316
                      Patrol Plans #006
                      Experience is something you get, right after you need it.


                      • #43
                        Both are great shots.


                        • #44
                          I appreciate the comments guys!

                          Here's a few more snaps from the weekend:

                          Flying over the ice-lake.

                          Short clip of landing.

                          About to leave camp for a hike up to see the ice.

                          I guess the ice looked about 8" thick.
                          Last edited by Battson; 07-29-2014, 07:35 PM.


                          • #45
                            Stopped for a look in a new place on the way back.

                            Flying home over the Marlborough Sounds.

                            Ended up being 7.5hrs flying, a good weekend in my book.

