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Manifold Pressure Sensor Recommendation
(Topic in the Bearhawk General Discussion/News forum)
08-03-2020, 12:55 AM
March 2019 Elevator Trim Cable Tension
(Topic in the Safety & Engineering Notices/Changes forum)
10-03-2020, 08:05 AM
Masking off wing access holes
(Topic in the Bearhawk Building Tips/Techniques forum)
06-18-2021, 09:56 AM
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07-30-2020, 08:22 AM
Me Likes my new BH Tailwheels Tundra Tailwheel
(Topic in the Product Reviews forum)
07-30-2024, 10:25 AM
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04-24-2023, 02:00 PM
Mike Silvernagle now Bearhawk Canada
(Topic in the Bearhawk General Discussion/News forum)
06-12-2018, 12:25 PM
Mounting the Flaps and Ailerons
(Topic in the Bearhawk 4-place Quickbuild forum)
06-03-2020, 12:03 PM
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