Bearhawk Aircraft Bearhawk Tailwheels LLC Eric Newton's Builder Manuals Bearhawk Plans Bearhawk Store


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Model B Quick Build Kit
"Multi, Commercial with Instrument Rating (CFII)"
Last Activity: 10-19-2023, 08:24 AM
Joined: 02-18-2018
Location: Mooresville, NC (14A)
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We need more flying content! (Topic in the Bearhawk General Discussion/News forum)
05-03-2019, 10:56 AM
What are these for?? (Topic in the Bearhawk 4-place Quickbuild forum)
10-21-2020, 07:34 PM
What's with the router? (Topic in the Bearhawk Building Tips/Techniques forum)
03-23-2021, 01:02 PM
Whee out Bearhawk’in around. (Topic in the Trip Reports forum)
09-07-2021, 07:38 AM
Wide body bearhawk? (Topic in the Bearhawk General Discussion/News forum)
06-10-2021, 02:00 PM
Windscreen fit (Topic in the Bearhawk 4-place Quickbuild forum)
07-05-2020, 03:47 PM
Windscreen Preservation (Topic in the Bearhawk General Discussion/News forum)
07-31-2020, 09:04 AM
Wing Root wiring break Pros/Cons? (Topic in the Bearhawk General Discussion/News forum)
07-25-2020, 07:55 AM
Wing rotisserie attachment tip end (Topic in the Bearhawk Building Tips/Techniques forum)
05-06-2021, 08:08 AM
wing storage (Topic in the Bearhawk General Discussion/News forum)
01-01-2021, 09:57 AM
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