I have finally permanently installed my windscreen. After peeling off the protective layers, it looks gorgeous! My question is, how do I keep in that way? We've all seen windscreens that are hazy and have swirls from using the wrong towels and cleaners. Years ago we used Lemon Pledge and cotton t-shirts. With ceramic coatings and other products now available, I'm wondering what is best method to keep a windscreen as clear and nice as possible?
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Windscreen Preservation
Windscreen Preservation
Last edited by robcaldwell; 07-27-2020, 10:19 AM.Rob Caldwell
Lake Norman Airpark (14A), North Carolina
EAA Chapter 309
Model B Quick Build Kit Serial # 11B-24B / 25B
YouTube Channel: http://bearhawklife.video
1st Flight May 18, 2021Tags: None
A few years back I rented a Jet Ranger for my ATP ride and the windscreen in that thing was perfect, looked brand new. I asked the owner if it was new and when he told me it was over 25 years old, I had to ask what he used on it. He said all he ever used was Novus. I've been using it ever since and I'm happy with it. They have 3 different grades, 1, 2 and 3. 1 is for daily cleaning, 2 for light scuffs and 3, the coarsest, for removing scratches. There might be something better but I'm not planning to try anything else anytime soon.Rollie VanDorn
Findlay, OH
Patrol Quick Build
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Good to hear. The only way I have found to keep the windscreen nice is to re apply the protective cover and dont fly it,, LOL.. I use pledge/microfibre cloth and only clean it one direction ( up and down) never sideways.. Ive tried other stuff with no noticeable difference....I used to stress about it,, now I just jump up and clean it accepting the fact that its not that big of deal to just replace the windscreen if it gets so bad.
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Always rinse off any dust / grit before using anything on your windscreen. Use plenty of water. I use water and my bare fingers to remove bug debris as much as possible before using anything else on the windscreen. Don't use paper towels - they have a lot of "scratchy" content. And believe it or not, lots of cotton T-shirts can scratch the surface of your windscreen as well. I use microfiber cloth exclusively, and I get them at Costco (big stack of yellow ones for a few bucks.)
There's as much controversy over what cleaners to use as there is about which oil is better... I've had good luck with Wash-and-Wax-All from AeroCosmetics. They recently launched a new product that I have not yet tried: PlexWax.
Using an up-and-down and/or side-to-side motion while cleaning is fine, just avoid rubbing in circular patterns, it creates microscopic "swirl" scratches in the surface of the windscreen that deflect the light and make it really hard to see through the winscreen.
Above all, keep fuel off it – and any acrylic surfaces!
Jim Parker
Farmersville, TX (NE of Dallas)
RANS S-6ES (E-LSA) with Rotax 912ULS (100 HP)
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I use a plastic cleaner called Plexus. I get it from motorcycle shops. It's a little pricey at $20/can but it works well and goes a long way. I find it cleans a little better than pledge so I don't have to rub as much to get the bugs off. I use the microfibre clothes. Combo seems to be doing a good job. It had a few scratches when I got it but they haven't gotten any worse.
When I flew helicopters we always used the blue paper shop clothes. Not just one outfit either. Everyone I worked for seemed to use the same stuff. Can't remember which cleaner now but definitely the blue clothes. Always up and down. Never in circles.4-Place QB kit #111. First flight May 2022.
IO-470 - 260hp
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Rob my FBO turned me on to this great ammonia free window cleaner that they use on all their aircraft. Its a foaming product, you spray it on and let it do its magic. Its available from NAASCO a commercial janitorial supply company. They may have a local branch for you. Part# N-02113. It runs $4.51 a can, far cheaper than Plexus. I have used it for years. Works really well for de-buggin the leading edge of wings, I use it after every flight. Always wipe clean with a towel in a vertical motion. Never use paper towels as they are abrasive. https://www.nasscoinc.com/janitorial...aner/10067125/ I usually buy a case at a time.
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We've been meticulous with ours, and it's scratched a little as you describe Rob.
I think the big bugs carapace's do it.
I am careful to only rub vertically to avoid horizontal or swirly scratches. I also try to wipe off the big bits of bugs before rubbing hard to get that clear polished look. But to limited avail.
I was taught that vertical scratches are best as they don't obscure wires or other thin horizontal features. Swirly ones are the worst. If you can't prevent it, you can at least manage it.
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