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Main spar top front capstrip length

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  • Main spar top front capstrip length

    I'm building my spars and trying to make sure I have my capstrips the correct length. If I'm reading the plans correctly the drawing #3 is of the front of the spar. I'm getting a top front capstrip measurement of about 96.75 thst lays over the 142.125 inch capstrip. I have seen a few builders logs that cut theirs 118 inches. Can someone tell me if I'm missing something or what the correct number should be. I have plans 503 so they were before the wing load test. The recommendation from the test was to extend the top front capstrip back to the spar plate instead of a 72 inch capstrip. Thanks


    Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

    Building BH 4 Place #503
    Arab, AL

  • #2
    While I don't have plans in front of me, I believe your statement is correct. Running the cap all the way to the attach plate should be pretty close to the measurement you described.

    Christopher Owens
    Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
    Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
    Germantown, Wisconsin, USA


    • #3
      118 inches . 4 place bearnawk correct? says right on my plan, drawing 3, front top cap strip 118inches. thats what I made mine


      • #4
        Sorry. Didnt realize till I read again you have earlier plans. Cut themm 118 inches, one left wing and one right wing, and butt them up to spar attach plate. 118 inches towards tip from that point
        Last edited by Gary Wallace; 01-30-2016, 09:49 PM.


        • #5
          I had to draw it out to visualize it. This is the layout:

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          Wayne Massey - Central Florida


          • #6
            The capstrips were changed after load testing. I'm not sure what plans number the change started but it's possible you have the old layout. My plans are buried in storage but I try and dig them out today and get a photo and send you privately unless someone else beats me to it. Also I would highly recommend buying a shop copy of the plans from Bob which would be the most current. I believe he still sells them to current plans owners for $30.
            Wayne Massey - Central Florida


            • #7
              Also take a look here:
              Wayne Massey - Central Florida


              • #8
                Thanks everyone. Wayne I saw your build log and the woodtic page as well which made me wonder. I have the layout correct but i just couldn't figure out where the 118 came from. So I now know the new plans show 118. My next question is can I leave mine at 96.75? The recommendation from the wing load test was to extend the capstrip back to the wing attach spar plate. It didn't say anything about extending it outboard. Since it wasn't a mandatory engineering change and it will be stronger at 96.75 inches than the original 72 inch top capstrip can I leave mine? I wish Bob would have put out a change notice for the extended outboard length.

                Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

                Building BH 4 Place #503
                Arab, AL


                • Wayne Massey
                  Wayne Massey commented
                  Editing a comment
                  That's a question that Bob Barrows would be best to answer. I'd recommend you give him a call. He's very helpful when answering questions like that. You can reach him at: (540) 473-3661

              • #9
                I did call Bob. He said no issue. In fact he said he didn't remember extending the capstrips outboard or why he did.

                Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

                Building BH 4 Place #503
                Arab, AL


                • #10
                  I think this PDF of the spar layout was from the old site.
                  Attached Files

