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Fabric around fuselage aileron pully at strut

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  • Fabric around fuselage aileron pully at strut

    Wondering how close i need to cover around then cable pully at bottom of wing strut. I plan on keeping as close as possible at top of pulley...does anyone have a pic that possibly covered that area with fabric...or aluminum for that matter..i am assuming the wing strut fillet is to cover the pulley from sight?

  • #2
    That area will be partially covered by the wing strut fairing if you use one. Here's my treatment of the area. Its mildly visible through the Oratex. The larger cutout above the strut fitting is to allow clearance for the strut fork and bolt. The kits cover the entire forward area under the door with aluminum.

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    Last edited by nichzimmerman; 11-28-2020, 11:53 AM.


    • svyolo
      svyolo commented
      Editing a comment
      Your pictures just saved me a couple of pounds. Thanks.