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FAA Amateur Built Form - Fixed Wing 2011

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  • FAA Amateur Built Form - Fixed Wing 2011

    Hey All...

    I just found out about this form and the guide to fill it out just last weekend. I had no idea they even existed! Silly me. This is the form that may get filled out by the FAA inspector proving that you have performed at least 51% of the work on your build. How this came about for me was I hired a mechanic friend to help me do some tasks that were frankly too much to do by myself. I want to eventually fly! I did know that "commercial" help counted against the 51% rule but had no idea how this is determined. This method of E-AB evaluation was introduced in 2009. The EAA even had a webinar on this very topic day before yesterday which was very interesting.

    Anyway, I fabricated the fuselage and pretty much everything else except the wings, which I got from Bearhawk Aircraft. It's a hybrid build and I have documented it all in detail on my build log, which is very important to do. I now know I don't have anything to worry about but I still wanted to know how this all works and actually put a number to it. I filled out the eleven page form last night, including work that still needs to be done, i.e. to get it flying, even adding some more "commercial" help from my mechanic friend. It was a real pain and sometimes confusing. But the good news is even with the "commercial" help I'm well over 60% for my contribution to the process of building my BH.

    I learned a lot and thought this may be of use to those like me that have parts from BH Aircraft.

  • #2
    Is there much of a different between the 2009 and 2011 checklists? I did a quick glance down and noticed they don't quiet match but both docs are great reference.



    • #3
      There are a number of differences, albeit minor. They added some tasks on the 2011 form and changed some task entries, probably based on feedback form the field. What I did was read through the whole 2009 job aid and marked up what I thought was important with highlighter, then went back to the beginning and page by page scored my project. Some task explanations in the 2009 form moved to different task numbers. YMMV.


      • #4
        This thread starting today is like karma.....Eh Mark G?
        Last edited by MitchG; 01-28-2021, 05:11 PM.


        • #5
          Since the BH kit was evaluated before 2009, this checklist is not required if you have a quick build kit and don't pay anyone to help you complete the kit. You just have to document your build. You can have as many friends as you want to help build it too.


          • #6
            I just had my plane inspected lasted Friday and the DAR required this checklist form be filled out. I explained it was an approved kit but it didn’t matter. Luckily he had listed all the forms he said the FAA required for my area (Southern California) in advance so I had it completed which wasn’t a big deal.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tim213 View Post
              I just had my plane inspected lasted Friday and the DAR required this checklist form be filled out. I explained it was an approved kit but it didn’t matter. Luckily he had listed all the forms he said the FAA required for my area (Southern California) in advance so I had it completed which wasn’t a big deal.
              So as the purchaser of a kit listed on the accepted list of 51% kits, would you feel it would be nice to have a copy of the kit "score sheet", so the percentages can be just transferred to your sheet? You could also verify you did not miss giving yourself any percentages. This would obviously be more important on a partial scratch build that incorporates "factory parts". I always felt it would be a help to see others check lists that have passed.


              • #8
                The kit was approved prior to the checklist requirement, so there was no NKET checklist evaluation done. There is no “scoresheet”. It’s not hard to determine the task and assign a value, it’s just tedious as heck.


                • #9
                  Great info. This is one of those deals where there is no consistency. I filled out the check list but my DAR required me to sit down with him and he filled it out while asking me questions. Made no difference to me but would have been nice to know what to expect.

                  I suggest all builders contact the DAR they plan to use well ahead of time so they can be prepared and know what to expect.
                  Scratch Built 4-place Bearhawk. Continental IO-360, 88" C203 McCauley prop.

