Comming out of Ft Nelson to Watson Lake we flew a large portion of the Ft Nelson River. We saw lots of large flat sand bars. We are looking for some beginner sand bars to land on. We hear there are some large ones on the Susitna River near Willow. I am on 8.5x6 tires, the 180 is on 8.5x10 tires. Anyone know of some specific locations?
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Flying to Alaska!
We did an oil change in Whitehorse Monday. The FBO, Rodan Maintenace, were very helpful. The airport has a nice little transportation museum there. Out front they have a DC-3 on a post. But what makes it really impressive is that it weather vanes in the wind. It is surprisingly sensitive. The flight up to Dawson City was spectacular. Between the scenery and the local rain showers it was quite a site. Tomorrow we head to Fairbanks and Chenna Hot Springs. The plan is to then head to Denali, Talkeetna, Anchorage, and the Kenai.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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We made it to Talkeetna. The flight to Fairbanks from Dawson then to Chenna Springs went well, The next day's flight to Fairbanks then Talkeetna went well too. We got lucky with low winds and cloud bases above most of the Alaska Range peaks. The picture below shows me refueling the Bearhawk at Dawson City. The 737 in the background landed on Dawson's 5000 ft gravel strip. Lots of dust with reverse thrust! The plane was modified for gravel strips. Today it looks like we are weathered in at Talkeetna.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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Welcome to The area. I live in Anchorage Ak and would love to see your plane. I have just joined the site and acquired a damaged Bearhawk (4 seater). I have it parked at Lake Hood for now until I move it to the garage in the next week or two. Wil Crabtree (907) 331-8551.
Hope to see Mark and his Platinum..... PM sent.
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