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POH anyone?

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  • POH anyone?

    I still have some fairings to make and a few trim parts to paint. I'm beginning to imagine airplane smells and noises! Because we all know airplanes can't fly without paperwork, I'm also thinking forward to that stuff... I'm a strong believer in not doing work that I don't need to do, I figured I'd ask if anyone has assembled a Pilots Operating Handbook for the patrol, that they'd like to share. I can put one together, but this wonderful forum resource allows us to share information, problems and solutions. Soooo...... If anyone has something they'd like to share, I'd like to see it and build upon it. I'll certainly make mine available as well!


  • #2
    Try contacting Larry Sullivan...


    • #3
      I've been thinking about this as well, and wondering if there was a "template" or "example" one someone has already created. I was thinking that I might create a "template" for a POH if there isn't one already in progress somewhere...
      Jim Parker
      Farmersville, TX (NE of Dallas)
      RANS S-6ES (E-LSA) with Rotax 912ULS (100 HP)


      • #4
        Eric Newton has a POH on his website for the 4-place he built. It should be a great template for the other designs.

        Look for a link on the left side, part way down the page.


        • #5
          I have written a comprehensive Bearhawk POH which is based off a Cessna POH, and several people have used it as a template.

          I developed it with extensive help from another experienced pilot. It should meet most requirements, unless you want a short and basic document.

          It's worth customising it extensively to suit your own build, because each jurisdiction has special rules and peculiarities. For instance, for our ARA we need to have all placards fitted per our POH, so being selective about the placards included is worthwhile in our jurisdiction.

          You can find it on my Dropbox, here:
          Last edited by Battson; 01-24-2017, 03:41 PM.


          • #6
            Great! Thanks guys!
            Jim Parker
            Farmersville, TX (NE of Dallas)
            RANS S-6ES (E-LSA) with Rotax 912ULS (100 HP)


            • #7
              Thanks very much guys! This is great info, to help in the process.



              • #8
                I'd share mine, but it isn't very complete. It's not anywhere near as comprehensive as the other ones above, and only has stuff I thought I might forget, being that I'm currently the only one who flies the airplane. I didn't want to have to sift through a bunch of other stuff to find what I needed. You'll find that most store-bought airplanes these days follow a standardized format (thanks to GAMA) for the chapters and such, so if you are going to make one, that might be a convention worth following. Here's more:


                • #9
                  Here we are in 2024 and I am a Rookie with a Patrol built in 2014 to 2017, searching the forum for a POH to copy. The work above is excellent, but for a 4 place. My plane came to me with a lot of documents, but no POH. I have read elsewhere that a POH is not required for an Experimental Amateur Built aircraft in the USA. I also read that the "Operating Limitations" document can be substituted for a POH in the USA. So I am wondering if a POH is mandatory for me. Even if not, it seems wise to have one. So I am wondering if there is a POH template available for a Patrol, perhaps created since the 2017 posts above. Or maybe there is a different but similar topic elsewhere.

                  Oh, and I hope to see a few of you at Oskhosh Airventure again this year. I learned a lot last year. I have been flying my Bonanza to Osh for over 20 years. It is a bit far to fly the Bearhawk Patrol, and I usually need 3 or 4 seats. Starting last year, I have a new focal point for study at Osh - Bearhawks and taildraggers in general.


                  • #10
                    I do not know of a Patrol POH. If you decided to fabricate your own POH for your Patrol, I'm sure you would have questions. I think that the group here could probably help answer most of them.
                    Brooks Cone
                    Southeast Michigan
                    Patrol #303, Kit build

