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Bearhawk BBQ @OSH18 - Location Secured!

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  • Bearhawk BBQ @OSH18 - Location Secured!

    Good day all,

    As I sit here in the airport in Zagreb, Croatia, I figure I have time to remind everyone about our annual Bearhawk BBQ. As usual, it will be held in Camp Scholler at a location to be determined on Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at 6:00p. I usually have a camp site around 43rd/44th and Lindbergh, but won’t know for sure until a week beforehand when I set up camp. I’ll relay the final location when I know for sure.

    Typical food selection for our event is fried chicken, potato salad, three-bean salad, a variety of drinks, and a juicy delicious watermelon or two from Mark Goldberg’s ranch. Cost is a donation of your choice, and there’s a jug or can at the head of the serving table, often guarded by a rabid 8yo girl.

    Jared usually has Bearhawk Store wares available for purchase as well. If you place an order with him close to the show, if he’s able to attend the BBQ, he can often bring your order with him. An airline pilot’s schedule is fairly fluid, but he always tries to make it when possible!

    I know there are several events that happen on Tuesday night, including the EAA Chapter President’s Dinner, but this date works best for most in attendance based on past history. Please bring your own chairs and leave your car in the parking lot. No room at the inn for vehicular traffic.

    If you plan to attend, please reply here, or PM Jared or myself, with the number in attendance in your party so I can get a head count for food ordering purposes. Last couple of years we’ve had a bit too much food and I plan to cut the order back a little bit this year. If you don’t get a chance to PM me, please visit Mark at the Bearhawk Aircraft booth in the North Aircraft Display and put your name on the list.

    As always, looking forward to seeing you all!

    Last edited by Chris In Milwaukee; 06-11-2018, 05:15 AM.
    Christopher Owens
    Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
    Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
    Germantown, Wisconsin, USA

  • #2
    Awesome, Chris.

    How late can we leave the attendance confirmation? Last year I confirmed for my wife and I then work cancelled my vacation the day before we were going to leave.

    Zagreb? I'll stop whining about being stuck in Heathrow now :-)


    Maule M5-235C C-GJFK
    Bearhawk 4A #1078 (Scratch building - C-GPFG reserved)
    RV-8 C-GURV (Sold)


    • #3
      Zagreb Airport is a thing of beauty (seriously!). Just arrived Heathrow myself on my way home. Just another brick in the wall. I’ve seen crabby American TSA types, but boy are the London ones a treat!

      Day before is fine. I’ll be placing the order Monday afternoon.
      Last edited by Chris In Milwaukee; 06-11-2018, 10:34 AM.
      Christopher Owens
      Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
      Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
      Germantown, Wisconsin, USA


      • #4
        Count me in Chris, Thanks!!!


        • #5
          Thanks again Chris for putting this together. Our first time to attend was last year and we really enjoyed the whole experience--good people and good food--ya can't beat that!! Put us down for 2!


          • #6
            Count me in.
            Brooks Cone
            Southeast Michigan
            Patrol #303, Kit build


            • #7
              Count me in Chris, thank you


              • #8
                Thanks for putting this together Chris! The Blonde and I will attend. This year, we'll be accompanied by C.J. Sebastian and his lovely wife Wendy!
                We all can't wait!



                • #9
                  Wish we could make it. Won't be getting in until Wednesday evening. Leaving Sunday morning.
                  Rob Caldwell
                  Lake Norman Airpark (14A), North Carolina
                  EAA Chapter 309
                  Model B Quick Build Kit Serial # 11B-24B / 25B
                  YouTube Channel:
                  1st Flight May 18, 2021


                  • #10
                    Thanks to those who have replied so far. Keep 'em coming!

                    EAA installed 117 new "improved" camping spots in Scholler this year, which may threaten to push our usual campsite around a bit. But still hoping to be in the same general location (fingers crossed). I'll keep you all in the know!
                    Christopher Owens
                    Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
                    Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
                    Germantown, Wisconsin, USA


                    • #11
                      I'll be there again this year
                      Paul Roy
                      Patrol plans p295


                      • #12
                        D'Ann and I are planning to be there. Though she may pass on the trip if I can find someone who wants to ride with me from Dallas to OSH and back. I'll be towing the 5th wheel and camping in style!
                        Jim Parker
                        Farmersville, TX (NE of Dallas)
                        RANS S-6ES (E-LSA) with Rotax 912ULS (100 HP)


                        • #13
                          Put me in for 2, thanks


                          • #14
                            Hi Chris, thanks for putting this together! My wife and I will be there, so make room at the table for the two of us.


                            • #15
                              Put Triplett down for two.

