During my flight testing I have been having an issue with high temperatures. It’s a rebuilt engine from Barrows, so of course it does have to broke in.
However my temps still concern me. The first couple of short flights the CHTs were high, some around 430 and 450 degrees. First I enlarged the cowl exit and the next flight CHTs were better, but my oil temp still very high. I then again open up the cowl exit and completely redid my baffle seals. I also redid the cowl lip. This helped stabilize the CHT temps but again my oil temps were high, starting out okay but just gradually continuing to rise to red line before I would land. Because the opening around my air box was of course covered, it is probably about 2 inches longer in the rear than needed. This limits how much more I can open up the cowl exit. My oil cooler is located on the rear pilot side engine mount. Assuming the oil temp sensor for the Dynon is ok, I’m hitting a snag on what to do next. Thanks for any input.
However my temps still concern me. The first couple of short flights the CHTs were high, some around 430 and 450 degrees. First I enlarged the cowl exit and the next flight CHTs were better, but my oil temp still very high. I then again open up the cowl exit and completely redid my baffle seals. I also redid the cowl lip. This helped stabilize the CHT temps but again my oil temps were high, starting out okay but just gradually continuing to rise to red line before I would land. Because the opening around my air box was of course covered, it is probably about 2 inches longer in the rear than needed. This limits how much more I can open up the cowl exit. My oil cooler is located on the rear pilot side engine mount. Assuming the oil temp sensor for the Dynon is ok, I’m hitting a snag on what to do next. Thanks for any input.