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Cable Tensioner and Nicopress Tool

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  • Cable Tensioner and Nicopress Tool

    Any cheap ways or tricks to measure the cable tension? Cheap Tensioners? Seems the gauges are quite expensive. Also, is the brand name "NIcopress" a "must use tool" to swag with? Recommendations on cheaper units? Here again, quite pricey. Any recommendations are appreciated!

  • #2
    Here’s a good discussion on swaging.

    I borrowed a local mechanics tension measuring tool. I would have been happy to pay him the hour or whatever to come use his tool if he didn’t want to loan it.
    Scratch Built 4-place Bearhawk. Continental IO-360, 88" C203 McCauley prop.


    • #3
      I tried a cheapo swagging tool and threw it out. It would not crimp properly. IMO, there are some tools that can be acquired on the cheap, and there are others that should be considered as investment. Not only in value, but also in airworthiness and personal safety.

      Rob Caldwell
      Lake Norman Airpark (14A), North Carolina
      EAA Chapter 309
      Model B Quick Build Kit Serial # 11B-24B / 25B
      YouTube Channel:
      1st Flight May 18, 2021


      • m.mooney
        m.mooney commented
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        Rob, thank you for your video on this very critical subject. Like you said, it’s a big deal!

    • #4
      FWIW, I bought the Loos Locoloc 1-SC from Zoro for 187.00 and change. It was the best price I could find. I also bought a Felco 7.5" cable cutter. Cuts those cables like a knife through butter. Finally, I bought the Burroughs Cable Gauge for tensioning. It's the only tool of the above list I haven't used yet. I'm with Rob, buy the good stuff because you sure don't want to be wondering as you fly over the back country.


      • #5
        I used one of these. Keep the bolts lubricated of course. I had all my cables tested and they all passed fine. It takes a bit more time using this tool, but given the very low volume I was doing it worked well.

        For cable tension, I plan to get an engineer to do it with his tools rather than outlay for my own. In NZ we are required to have a 100 hr check completed prior to test flying anyway, so I’ll get it done then.
        Last edited by Nev; 08-17-2021, 03:40 PM.
        Nev Bailey
        Christchurch, NZ - Safety & Maintenance Notes
        YouTube - Build and flying channel
        Builders Log - We build planes


        • Bcone1381
          Bcone1381 commented
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          I also used this same tool. After each squeeze I used my digital caliper to measure the compression that was applied to the sleeve against the Nicopress published specifications. I like data, and this method satisfied me.

        • robcaldwell
          robcaldwell commented
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          I've found that I use my cable tension measurement tool more than just the one time after installing my control cables. I have used it multiple times for fine tuning and really glad I have in it my tool box.

      • #6
        I used the cheapo tool that nev used. The dimensions of the tool seem accurate so it's not like it's going to not squash the niccopress enough, rather it's just slow to use and requires a little bit of coaxing to get it right.

        If you are careful and take your time, they are fine. If you are anal about stuff, and want it done quick and fast, then buy the tool. I do own a Daniels pin crimping tool, so I'm not afraid to buy stuff that's nice, but saw no need here.

