I am currently trying to find a good placement for a WAAS GPS antenna (Garmin GA 35 connected to a GNX 375). I have seen some of you mount it behind the skylight ( robcaldwell), others close to the wing root ( Nev ) . Garmin also has a curious diagram in the G3X docs for under fabric mounting.
Under fabric mounting would be nice but this seems to contradict many of Garmin's other recommendations (don't paint, mount close to front of the wing, 16" diameter ground plane)
Behind the skylight requires probably the most work and results in an antenna tilted backwards and to the side (on the Patrol at least).
On the wing is probably easiest and probably results in the best performance. Aerodynamically this is probably not the best.
Would love to hear what you think about the various options? Nev are you happy with your location?