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Switched from a 4 to a 5.

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  • Switched from a 4 to a 5.

    I have been contemplating the switch for a while. The funds for my airplane have been wrapped up in a rental home that we sold yesterday. As soon as $$ hit my account, I called Bearhawk to make the switch. I was anticipating a delivery in August.

    It must have meant to be, because they had a 5 kit that needed a home. I started the process, and should have it soon!

    I still need to get my shop squared away, but that will have to wait a couple of weeks. I had to break up a dog fight between a Husky and a Corgi on the 2nd. The Corgi won the fight, and the dogs just had some minor wounds. I didn't fare as well. I took several Husky bites, and have 4 stitches in the palm of my right hand. I'm out of action for a couple of weeks, at least.

    So, the first month after I get my kit will probably be just getting ready. I plan to build a table and a rotisserie. I also need to order the required tools.

    I will build everything here at home, and then move it to a hangar to put the wings on. My goal is to be flying in 2 1/2 years.

    Like many of you, this has been a dream for quite some time. This was a giant step toward that. I am feeling both excited and terrified!

  • #2
    That's exciting, hard to go wrong with either!


    • #3
      TJ, congratulations on starting the process of building a Bearhawk. I am 1½ years in and hope to be flying this summer. I have learned so much from the other members on this forum and encourage you to ask questions and to reach out to others. Enjoy the journey.


      • #4
        Originally posted by BrokenStraw View Post
        TJ, congratulations on starting the process of building a Bearhawk. I am 1½ years in and hope to be flying this summer. I have learned so much from the other members on this forum and encourage you to ask questions and to reach out to others. Enjoy the journey.
        Thanks. I’m sure I’ll have questions just about every step of the way.


        • #5
          So many Bearhawk models, all very attractive for one reason or another.
          I'm working on an original model Bearhawk Four plans build, picking up where my father left off.
          Sometimes I think a Companion would really be better for my needs, but if my daughter sticks with her current career plans, the Five will be a better fit for her (wants to be a missionary bush pilot - caveat for 14 year old career plans)
          However not having to pay for the contents of a kit (already sitting in the barn) is one of two prerequisites that make this whole project even possible (the other is having my father still on board as a consultant)
          So for us, Four it is.
          I do wonder what the future of the Four will be, as the capability gains of the Five seem very significant compared to the marginal cost difference.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MidGenerationAL View Post
            So many Bearhawk models, all very attractive for one reason or another.
            I'm working on an original model Bearhawk Four plans build, picking up where my father left off.
            Sometimes I think a Companion would really be better for my needs, but if my daughter sticks with her current career plans, the Five will be a better fit for her (wants to be a missionary bush pilot - caveat for 14 year old career plans)
            However not having to pay for the contents of a kit (already sitting in the barn) is one of two prerequisites that make this whole project even possible (the other is having my father still on board as a consultant)
            So for us, Four it is.
            I do wonder what the future of the Four will be, as the capability gains of the Five seem very significant compared to the marginal cost difference.

            Completion is the goal. We're having success if we are having fun. Building is a long road and it's gotta be fun and exciting. Know what builds joy and what sucks the energy out of the project, man.

            Your father picked the Four Alpha design. You gotta make that choice. The Four Alpha is no slouch! It's not inferior. If it meets your desires then embrace it, move on and resist asking that question again. Staying with it could reduce financial stress of building, and really be embraced by your children as an heirloom. "Dad finished Grandpa's Bearhawk out in the barn!" Thats a tale from a storybook!

            Don't continue comparing throughout the build. Comparison is a thief that will rob you of joy. If building is fun your building the right aircraft. If financial stress is added by a new kit purchase then don't. You have a treasur trove of content ahead if you focus on the task at hand, the family collaboration of tasking jobs, and the fabricating family tradition.

            God made us fabricators in the depths of our souls. Keep building parts, enjoying your craftsmanship with each one so building becomes playtime. you will have more than another completion when its done.
            Last edited by Bcone1381; 01-13-2025, 05:13 AM.
            Brooks Cone
            Southeast Michigan
            Patrol #303, Kit build


            • DBeaulieu
              DBeaulieu commented
              Editing a comment
              "God made us fabricators in the depths of our souls." That quote right there belongs on a poster board in my workshop!

          • #7
            Moved potential hijack to its own thread

