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Rick Hiebert and Curtis Penner Bearhawk Patrol videos on YouTube.

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  • Rick Hiebert and Curtis Penner Bearhawk Patrol videos on YouTube.

    If you haven't seen these videos they are must see. Professionally filmed and very inspirational.
    Nice to see these two guys fulfilling flight dreams.
    My three favorites are flying in Idaho, Alaska and the latest one flying in the Ozarks.

  • #2
    Could we trouble you for links or search parameters known to work? Thanks


  • #3
    If you search Rick Hiebert on YouTube you should get all of them.


    • #4
      Deleted just to please others, NO offense was made and YES it was posted to be funny!!! I guess we all have different senses of humor.

      I think I will take a break being the plane is done anyway.
      Last edited by Utah-Jay; 01-27-2025, 08:04 AM.
      Revo Sunglasses Ambassador


      • Nev
        Nev commented
        Editing a comment
        Jay, please keep posting. I very much enjoy reading your progress updates and you're getting very close to flying. I'd hate to miss out on my daily read !

      • jaredyates
        jaredyates commented
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        Agreed, we all want to hear more about your plane and flight testing! Maybe in another venue sometime, we could have a political discussion about why political discussions have become so toxic that we can't have them here.