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Prop extension for a Patrol Q/B

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  • Prop extension for a Patrol Q/B

    Another general question for the forum. Do I need to have a prop extension for my Patrol project, or can I get the nose bowl and constant speed prop setup without one? Just starting the process and I cannot figure this out right now. Help!

    Dave (from Maine)

  • #2
    I think most people do not use an extension.


    • #3
      jaredyates Thanks Jared, I'll press on ahead without worry!


      • #4
        Installing a Hartzell Trailblazer (HC-C2YR-1NX/NG8301-3X1) with 14" spinner (C-2299-4P) does not need a prop extension.

        The engine needs to be set up for constant speed, though. On a new YO-360-A1A this means removing the expansion plug.

        (when drilling the hole you can use a lot of grease on the drill tip to prevent drill debris from falling into the engine)

        For details see Lycoming Service instructions 1435.
        Attached Files
        Bearhawk "XHawk" Patrol, O-360, Trailblazer 80", tubeless 26" Goodyears, Stewart Systems. See XHawk Build Log.

