Today I've duplicated the task map for the Patrol to make one for the LSA. I changed the title, changed the colors, and deleted references to flaps. There is one article so far that is unique to the LSA, related to the elevator attachment. Here is the link:
Being that I haven't built an LSA, it's hard to make this sort of thing. If you are an LSA builder, please take a look and see if you can recommend any improvements. Some engine-related tasks that were documented for the Lycoming airplanes are left undocumented for this one, such as engine selection and installation. Would anyone like to write those?
Any boxes that do not have the link arrow are available for further documentation.
Being that I haven't built an LSA, it's hard to make this sort of thing. If you are an LSA builder, please take a look and see if you can recommend any improvements. Some engine-related tasks that were documented for the Lycoming airplanes are left undocumented for this one, such as engine selection and installation. Would anyone like to write those?
Any boxes that do not have the link arrow are available for further documentation.