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Bearhawk 4-Place N27AZ First Flight

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  • #16
    A huge accomplishment! Enjoy phase one! And get ready to start the tweaking process. I've lost count of how many little things I changed on my RV-8 after phase one but it's an enjoyable process of making the plane exactly the way you want it


    • #17
      I really like your wing tips! That is a beautiful aircraft. imho BearHawks are the best all around aircraft available. You have something special now.


      • #18
        Originally posted by nichzimmerman View Post
        First flight squawks:
        - The end plate on my temporary aluminum wingtips started coming off at the leading edge. I plan to trim this part off and re-rivet them on.

        Might the forces causing the tip to be separating at the leading edge show that it is doing exactly what it was designed to do? Might be interesting to do detailed testing trying to observe flight differences (including yarns?) before the trimming you mention and after. Easy for me to say...

        Any way - Congratulations and thanks for sharing details!!!


        • nichzimmerman
          nichzimmerman commented
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          Good point. As built, my wingtips were simply an extension of the airfoil with a plate end that extended 3" past the airfoil curve in all directions. It was only the part at the leading edge that was bent backward and ripping off, so I just trimmed that part off and enough for a smooth transition to the full 3" span back around the main spar. It was doing its job, but just wasn't strong enough (.032 held in by 1/8" pop rivets). That much dynamic pressure at the leading edge was also likely causing some extra drag. But in its new form, I hope to take some good flight test data before eventually transitioning to a fiberglass wingtip.

      • #19
        Originally posted by nichzimmerman View Post
        ... 11 years, 8 moves, and 4 kids ago...
        This cannot be overemphasised! You moved eight times, you had four kids, preserved your sanity, your family (and marriage), and STILL finished the plane (scratch-built, mind you, not a quick-built!)??

        If there ever was a heroic effort, this is it. I have great admiration for each and every one of the completions here, but this one surely stands just a bit above the rest, for sheer endurance!

        The plane looks beautiful, but I'm guessing you wish Bob had the six-place Model 5 available when you first started the project...


        • nichzimmerman
          nichzimmerman commented
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          Thanks for your words, and yes to the Model 5.... :-/
          Fortunately, I had already made most of the modifications included in the "Bravo" model before it was announced, just not the airfoil change.