Hi everyone,
Our campsite has been secured and set up, ready for another week of adventure at Airventure. This is an unusual year for camping, however. While I haven't been camping at Oshkosh as long as some, this is the first year that I have *not* been able to find a campsite in Camp Scholler within reasonable distance of... well... anything! Airventure has become a huge cultural draw and EAA has been changing the landscape of the campground every year. I was not able to find a single square inch of real estate close to the grounds. So, we're waaayyyy the heck out this year. Map is below. We're on site at 24th and Butternut in Camp Scholler.
As usual, we'll be serving dinner at 6:00p on Tuesday. The standard staples of fried chicken, potato salad, three-bean salad, and broccoli salad will be on the table for your enjoyment. Please RSVP in this thread or send me a PM with the number in your party so I have an idea of the amount of food I need to order. If you aren't able to come plan this far ahead, no worries. Stop by the Bearhawk booth, say hi to Mark, and add your name to the signup sheet he'll have at the booth. Oh, and order a kit while you're there.
Looking forward to seeing you all again this year!
Best regards,
Our campsite has been secured and set up, ready for another week of adventure at Airventure. This is an unusual year for camping, however. While I haven't been camping at Oshkosh as long as some, this is the first year that I have *not* been able to find a campsite in Camp Scholler within reasonable distance of... well... anything! Airventure has become a huge cultural draw and EAA has been changing the landscape of the campground every year. I was not able to find a single square inch of real estate close to the grounds. So, we're waaayyyy the heck out this year. Map is below. We're on site at 24th and Butternut in Camp Scholler.
As usual, we'll be serving dinner at 6:00p on Tuesday. The standard staples of fried chicken, potato salad, three-bean salad, and broccoli salad will be on the table for your enjoyment. Please RSVP in this thread or send me a PM with the number in your party so I have an idea of the amount of food I need to order. If you aren't able to come plan this far ahead, no worries. Stop by the Bearhawk booth, say hi to Mark, and add your name to the signup sheet he'll have at the booth. Oh, and order a kit while you're there.

Looking forward to seeing you all again this year!
Best regards,