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Many one tried SDS ignition systems

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  • Many one tried SDS ignition systems

    I’m having an O-360 built up by Bob.B Pretty basic, but I want at least one electronic ignition system. SDS systems and the after-sales support come highly recommended by a mentor of mine, who is basically a pro RV builder. It also turns out they are manufactured right in my home town. Small world! My friend is running dual electronic ignition and fuel injection. My engine will have one mag with impulse coupling, one EI and a carb. Have any of you tried these EI systems? Anything to report?

  • #2
    I highly recommend SDS. Great support, and imo, of the of best put together EI systems.


    • #3
      Yep, I’m running dual SDS CPIs and it’s great. Ross is awesome to deal with and always responds quickly to my stupid questions.
      Scratch Built 4-place Bearhawk. Continental IO-360, 88" C203 McCauley prop.


      • #4
        I like Data....and SDS (Ross Farham) seems to collect and share reliability numbers.

        See post #2 here for his ECU failure data.
        Last edited by Bcone1381; 06-27-2021, 11:21 AM.
        Brooks Cone
        Southeast Michigan
        Patrol #303, Kit build


        • #5
          What they said............

          The only negative for your application is the install is more complicated for just 1 EI. I might be tempted by Surefly or Pmag if I was going to just use 1 EI.

          My project isn't flying yet, but I have full SDS EFI/EI. After I fly I might by another system just to put it on my coffee table to look at.


          • Pbruce
            Pbruce commented
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            Yes I understand; all the complexity and half the benefit. I need to look into the installation a bit more thoroughly. I would go with a dual sds except that I really like the redundancy and isolation afforded by a magneto: no extra wiring required, no backup battery and can be hand propped.

            If I was going fuel injected, I wouldn’t use mags though. There are just too many advantages to electronic to ignore at that point. It’s nice heating positive comments about stuff. Thanks everyone.

        • #6
          Is anyone using an EFII system and is there any advantage of EFII over SDS?


          • svyolo
            svyolo commented
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            I have not personally used it. It is broadly similar, and EFII used to use SDS ECU's. I believe one of EFII's strengths is that they try to make a complicated wiring job simpler, which I like.

            For many reasons, I am going with SDS. If I were challenged wiring-wise, I might have chosen EFII. The number of crimpers I already owned might be in double digits.