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Model B Quick Build Kit
"Multi, Commercial with Instrument Rating (CFII)"
Last Activity: 10-19-2023, 08:24 AM
Joined: 02-18-2018
Location: Mooresville, NC (14A)
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03-13-2023, 01:23 PM
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01-13-2020, 09:25 AM
On a mission to introduce the joys of kit aircraft building to a new region (Topic in the New Members - Introduce Yourself forum)
12-24-2019, 05:08 PM
Onboard Tool Box / Kit (Topic in the Bearhawk General Discussion/News forum)
12-02-2019, 10:13 PM
One more Canadian joining the Bearhawk family! (Topic in the New Members - Introduce Yourself forum)
04-08-2019, 11:16 PM
One, or both elevator trim tabs (Topic in the Bearhawk General Discussion/News forum)
06-19-2018, 06:40 PM
Oops... (Topic in the Bearhawk General Discussion/News forum)
10-09-2019, 03:02 AM
Open letter to desert Bearhawk and Alaska Bearhawk... (Topic in the Bearhawk General Discussion/News forum)
12-18-2018, 04:40 PM
Operation Notice from Bob about Fuel Tanks on Systems with Fuel Pumps (Topic in the Safety & Engineering Notices/Changes forum)
12-02-2022, 09:22 PM
Oratex on the Companion (Topic in the Bearhawk Companion Quickbuild forum)
08-24-2021, 04:47 PM
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