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Piper style Cowl Latch

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  • Piper style Cowl Latch

    The images below are "Piper Cowl Latches" Two are typically installed on each side of the cowl. The left image does not have the 1/4 turn fastener to secure the lever latch in the closed postion. The center image is the 1/4 turn fastener. The right image is the complete fastener with all the far as I can tell.

    Is anyone familiar with these latches? Is the 1/4 turn fastener in the center photo a Piper specific part? Or is there a Dzus, or Camlock part that proper fits?

    Screen Shot 2021-04-14 at 7.20.29 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-04-14 at 7.30.14 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-04-14 at 7.30.26 AM.png
    Attached Files
    Brooks Cone
    Southeast Michigan
    Patrol #303, Kit build

  • #2
    Here's what I did.
    Rob Caldwell
    Lake Norman Airpark (14A), North Carolina
    EAA Chapter 309
    Model B Quick Build Kit Serial # 11B-24B / 25B
    YouTube Channel:
    1st Flight May 18, 2021


    • Bcone1381
      Bcone1381 commented
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      Rob, I'm specifically asking if your 1/4 turn fastener is a typical off the shelf aircraft hardware item? Or is it a special Piper part with the associated Piper price premium. It seems to me like it is a standard part...said another seems to me that the latch is fabricated to recieve a standard Dzus type fastener. If its standard, I'll order the parts and figure out the 1/4 turn later.

    • Bcone1381
      Bcone1381 commented
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      BTW, today the price of the complete Piper Cowl Latch from Wag Aero is $174 each. The first photo is is available on eBay for $35. The second photo is the Piper Part number fastener is also $35. The combo together it seems to be priced on eBay for $75. Seems to me like $35 for the 1/4 turn fastener is a bit steep. But better than Wag Aero. Lots of other ways to secure the cowl, but I just like this method and keep coming back to it.

    • robcaldwell
      robcaldwell commented
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      Sorry about that... I recall going through a similar process as you, looking to buy individual components for the Piper latches to create a single assembly. I ended going with the complete assembly that included the 1/4 fastener. (I don't recall finding the 1/4 turn fastener separately). They're not cheap anyway you look at it, but by the time I added all of the different sources and shipping, it was more expensive to order everything individually. So I just bit the bullet and bought the entire assembly @ $75 per.

  • #3
    Brooks, I was able to get the quarter turn fasteners from B&B. I initially purchased them at their Airventure booth so that I could see what I wanted, but have subsequently ordered others by phone. This post has the part numbers that I used. I have the wing-nut type of fastener, but in the same line they have a phillips version.


    • #4
      Learn More View Our Fastener Kits Learn More Experience Skytanium® Find Out More Browse our Catalog Previous slide Next slide We pride ourselves on delivering unrivaled speed and efficiency in meeting…

      Patrol #30


      • #5
        Thanks All. It looks like the fastener is a Southco product that is commonly available.

        I like these Piper Style latches that pull the cowl down snug with an over-center action. There is some adjustment in them if things loosen up over time.
        Last edited by Bcone1381; 04-14-2021, 06:45 PM.
        Brooks Cone
        Southeast Michigan
        Patrol #303, Kit build


        • #6
          The original Piper winged fastener is similar to but not a common Southco #85. It's an Airlock or Lyons fastener used on both Piper and Stinson, has a pin that is pressed through the stem of the fastener. Part number W98292-2-180, Pin 99836, Receptacle 99871-P098 from Univair. I'm sure a Southco 85 could be made to work.


          • #7
            Thanks for passing along the Part Numbers. I took your advice onto Southco 85 quarter turn fastener. An education took place. Camloc and similar Sky Bolt products wont fit this latch due to those using a grommet that is incompatible with this latch. Southco 85 winged stud assembly fit nice.

            Southco 1/4 turn fasteners shown have 5 parts.
            -A winged stud of a specified length that fits into....
            -A receptacle (photo 2...held in place with Clecos, designed to attach with rivets)
            -A small Ejector Spring keeps the stud from flopping around when unlatched.
            -A Wear Washer that fits between the spring and the latch.
            -A retainer (washer shaped) that snaps over the studs pin to retain the stud in place on the latch.
            Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 12.18.07 PM.png

            The good.....Aircraft Spruce has a very good documentation to plan the assembly. The parts are not expensive. I acquired all the parts and they fit. You would have less than $4 per assembly if Spruce carried everything with reasonable shipping cost.

            The Bad....Aircraft Spruce does not carry all the parts, Southco does and they were not expensive, but they were not all in stock, and shipping cost for these small parts was unacceptable. In my attempt to control that, I used my shipping account and two separate Southco shipments (Boxes filled with bubble wrap and a few small parts) arrived from different states a few days later.

            Specifially, these are the Southco part numbers I used.
            • 85-12-200-16 Wing Head Stud# ACS $1.15
            • 14-18-150-24 Ejector Spring# ACS not in catalog
            • 85-46-103-39 Flat Wear Washer ACS not in catalog, but cupped washer is in catalog
            • 85-35-295-15 Leaf Spring Receptacle ACS in stock $1.78
            • 85-34-301-12 Retainer ACS in stock $0.14
            • 85-0-22543-11 Tool

            IMG_2672.pngIMG_2676.pngScreen Shot 2021-05-06 at 12.18.07 PM.png
            Last edited by Bcone1381; 05-06-2021, 03:06 PM.
            Brooks Cone
            Southeast Michigan
            Patrol #303, Kit build


            • robcaldwell
              robcaldwell commented
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              This is great! I need those Ejector Springs, but could not find on ACS using the number 14-18-150-24