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another plans question----

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  • another plans question----

    Thinking--- if I ----- should------- build the fuselage from scratch----- the plans dont seem to indicate which tube overlaps which others at the corners
    and at the clusters. How would I know which way that goes since the plans only show lines meeting-- they dont show which tube is coped and which
    gets the coped one into its side....... (for example--- at the firewall..... )

    I get the impression that the plans wernt aimed at scratch builders-------


  • #2
    I think those details fall in the category of generally accepted construction practices. Those things can be learned through seminars, reading and mentorship. The plans only need to define the bearhawk design, there is no need to reinvent the wheel for standard procedure.
    My recommendation is to take your plans and sit down with someone who has built a fuselage.
    Last edited by Chewie; 01-15-2023, 09:34 AM.
    Scratch building Patrol #275
    Hood River, OR


    • #3
      My Patrol Plans came with Bob's "Patrol Book." It gives general very guidance on this subject, like "After the longerons are in place, you can start filling in the rest of the tubing." I believe the old Beartracks teach this material as well, and possibly even Bob'e Book is a collection of those articles.
      Brooks Cone
      Southeast Michigan
      Patrol #303, Kit build


      • #4
        If your an EAA member go to "Builder Resources", much info on steel tube fuselages. A lot of info out there on coping tubes and building tubular structures. Keep at it
        Patrol #30
        Last edited by geraldmorrissey; 01-16-2023, 10:44 PM.


        • #5
          thanks Gerald----
          I think I will order the 2 builders manuals. ( and print them into notebooks) That should be just wat I want to know.
          I will need that anyway when I start assy. the spars.


          • #6
            Originally posted by fairchild1934 View Post
            Thinking--- if I ----- should------- build the fuselage from scratch----- the plans dont seem to indicate which tube overlaps which others at the corners
            and at the clusters. How would I know which way that goes since the plans only show lines meeting-- they dont show which tube is coped and which
            gets the coped one into its side....... (for example--- at the firewall..... )

            I get the impression that the plans wernt aimed at scratch builders-------

            I think other than hands on training, the best possible educational resource for building a tube framed fuselage is a two DVD set called 4130 Chromemolly Airframe Construction. It is available from either to purchase or rent. When I started building my fuselage I watched this at least twice all the way through. Such great tips from some very experienced craftsmen while building a Wittman Buttercup fuselage. I know my fuselage turned out way better and went together faster due to what I learned.


            • #7
              Originally posted by rodsmith View Post
              It is available from either to purchase or rent...
              In addition to getting great content, you'll also be supporting a small business whose owner is a friend to the Bearhawk community.


              • #8
                Oh yes---- I love the tinman-- I have his english wheel video and one on sheet metal shrinking and stretching.

