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any updates on tubing packages ?

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  • any updates on tubing packages ?

    The web page has not changed in a while. Does anyone have any updates ? I would rather give my money to Mark than VR-3----- not that they dont have a fine product---- but its 1000+$ more---- and I would like to patronize Bearhawk on principle--- (as well)

    Any one have any rescent information to share on this ?


  • #2
    The best plan is to call Mark Goldberg.


    • #3
      When we can easily buy the tubing needed (as we used to), we will offer the tubing packages again. Our priority has to be building the kits that we have on order.

      If our only product was selling tubing packages, then we would certainly sell the tubing packages. But it is more complicated for us since the tubing for the kits still has to be ordered many months in advance to be sure we have enough on hand for the kit factory to continue fuselages and all other parts we have on order. Sorry to disappoint, and I hope that can resume selling the tubing packages later this year. Mark


      • #4
        seems like everything in the country has gotten stupid. That makes little sense why there is demand and no production to meet it. I hope
        it loosens up---- thanks for the situation report !

