We made it out of Skagway Later yesterday. For those of you not familiar it is at the end of a deep valley on the ocean. The only good way in and out is up the valley. The clouds have to be at 5000 ft MSL or higher to make it through the pass. The forecast Tuesday evening was 8000 scattered. But the next morning it was 3200 ft overcast. It did not lift enough until 5pm. Wednesday we made it to Teslin after clearing Customs at White Horse. We had nice flights today down to Dawson Creek. If you are passing by here definitely stop in. There is a nice place to camp, a diner on the field, and a 24 hour pilot's lounge with couches, wifi, showers, and food!
The pictures below are of our trip up the Knik River to a glacier plateau next to lake George. We did not make it to a beginner sand bar but this 900 ft uncharted dirt strip was almost as good. Check out the Delorme tracking to see the area in Google earth. It is a very cool place. Thanks to Bearhawk Builder Dan Shilling for telling us about it.
The pictures below are of our trip up the Knik River to a glacier plateau next to lake George. We did not make it to a beginner sand bar but this 900 ft uncharted dirt strip was almost as good. Check out the Delorme tracking to see the area in Google earth. It is a very cool place. Thanks to Bearhawk Builder Dan Shilling for telling us about it.