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FWF thread

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  • FWF thread

    My FWF is different enough from most because of my chosen fueling system (SDS EFI). No problem for me, but I have done similar stuff, non-aviation before. But designing an engine compartment is a daunting and time consuming thing. I still don't know how much of a VANs RV10 FWF kit works on a BH. I bought stuff piecemeal from them. For those that bought the kit, was it worth it? How much of it could you use? I ended up using their baffle kit, oil cooler mount, and a few other smaller items. I just don't know how much the rest of the stuff would fit. I just mounted an Anti-splat air/oil separator and Vans starter relay today.

    I think a basic layout of everything would help a lot of builders. Mine is too different, and I will end up resurrecting an EFI thread to show my layout. But lots of us have never designed an engine installation. Does the basic RV-10 layout work, or close enough, on a BH?
    Last edited by svyolo; 09-09-2021, 10:29 PM.

  • #2
    The baffles and oil cooler certainly work but I would guess that most of the cabling and pipes would be different lengths.


    • #3
      I found the Vans FWF Kit to be absolutely worth it and I’d definitely do it again next time. (Did I just say next time )

      Mine was for an IO540 and I also used the baffles, oil cooler and mount, prop and mixture cables, FAB kit and mount plus the cable mount, some oil hoses (a couple didn’t fit), the pressure transducers and the mounting block that came custom made with them, all the transducer hoses, engine fittings for each hose, alternator and attachments, oil breather tube (I added another silicon hose from a hydraulic shop) cabin heat boxes, scat tubes, baffle flanges for scat tubes, cooling blast tubes. I deleted the prop governor (I wouldn’t do this next time, but needs to be specific to the prop), engine mounts, and exhausts. There’s a sample order list on their website and they’re quite happy to add/delete stuff as required.

      But the big thing with the kit is all the tiny parts. Rod end bearings for cables, all the specific washer and nut sizes, AN fittings with pressure reducers built in to limit leakage if a hose ruptures. In short, all the stuff that I didn’t know that I didn’t know about.

      So there were a few items that I haven’t used, and a few that didn’t fit. But for every item that you do use, it will come with very clear step by step instructions, diagrams, parts lists, and every single piece of hardware that you’ll need, all bagged and labelled. I found it to be quite impressive.

      Hope this helps.
      Last edited by Nev; 09-10-2021, 02:22 AM.
      Nev Bailey
      Christchurch, NZ - Safety & Maintenance Notes
      YouTube - Build and flying channel
      Builders Log - We build planes


      • svyolo
        svyolo commented
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        That is the feedback I was looking for, and hopefully will help other builders. Too late for me. If my layout works out I will resurrect another thread. I have my EFI fuel pumps and filters on the hot side of the firewall. I noticed the Rotax guys are doing that with the 912is and really liked it. Mine is slightly crude, but I think in the long run I can make a pretty slick/elegant solution.

        I am using the Vans baffles, FAB, and oil cooler mount. I didn't know if the cables would work. They are huge time savers, and not expensive.

      • Pbruce
        Pbruce commented
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        I realize I am asking for speculation Nev (or anyone else) since my plane is a Patrol and my engine a 4 cyl 360. I also don’t know what I don’t know. In light of your positive experience using the Vans kit on your 540, can you see any reason why a Vans RV7 kit wouldn’t work well on the Patrol? I think some have used the RV 6 or 7 induction setup quite successfully. Not sure about the rest.

        We’re you able to trim the baffles to fit adjacent the cowling or did you sometimes have to make new ones or add material to make them fit the BH cowl? I just looked at the kits prices. Wow-bloody aeroplanes! Pretty sure I’m going to use the baffle and induction kit if I can.

        Last edited by Pbruce; 09-11-2021, 10:07 AM.

      • AKKen07
        AKKen07 commented
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        I ordered the FWF kit from Vans - by the time I cut out all the stuff I didn't need it was down to about $1800. So don't be scared by the posted price! Also expect a 3 month lead time...

    • #4
      I also purchased the RV 10 FWF kit and was happy with it. I also appreciated the plans that came with it. Was easy to work from and helped to visualize the FWF in a completed state.
      Rob Caldwell
      Lake Norman Airpark (14A), North Carolina
      EAA Chapter 309
      Model B Quick Build Kit Serial # 11B-24B / 25B
      YouTube Channel:
      1st Flight May 18, 2021


      • #5
        I realize I am asking for speculation Nev ……
        I think it should work fine on the Patrol. The Vans kits are made up for the engine model rather than the airframe. The main part that will vary is the distance from the firewall to the engine. Some of the Vans engines have a recess in the firewall, and this means the kitset cable length will differ from the Bearhawk. But they can be swapped or deleted when ordering as required. With the Patrol engine controls mounted on the left side panel I would probably measure these as accurately as possible and substitute them for the standard kitset cables. In my case, the mixture and prop cables were usable, but I ordered a longer throttle cable that fits my engine well.

        Regarding the baffles, my understanding is that they are all made oversize (too tall) so that even on a Vans aircraft they need to be trimmed. I had to trim the top on all of mine too (as is normal to get a good fit), but I didn’t need to make any new ones.

        With the induction setup, because the cowl shape is different I had to cut the flange off the Vans air intake completely, and fibreglass a new one in place. Here’s some pics.

        Edit : I ordered the air intake separately - it wasn’t included with the kit.
        Last edited by Nev; 09-11-2021, 09:27 PM.
        Nev Bailey
        Christchurch, NZ - Safety & Maintenance Notes
        YouTube - Build and flying channel
        Builders Log - We build planes


        • #6
          I was also going to mention that my fuel controller is forward facing (on a 95 degree elbow) so I did not need the included airbox and filter that came with the FWF kit.
          Rob Caldwell
          Lake Norman Airpark (14A), North Carolina
          EAA Chapter 309
          Model B Quick Build Kit Serial # 11B-24B / 25B
          YouTube Channel:
          1st Flight May 18, 2021

