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Cleaner for aircraft belly

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  • Cleaner for aircraft belly

    I have quite a coat of oil and exhaust carbon on the belly of my Bearhawk. What are your favorite cleaners to remove this including homebrew concoctions?

  • #2
    A lot of folks swear by Aero Cosmetics Belly Soap. I've seen good results.


    • #3
      I switched over to the Plane Perfect cleaning products a few years back. Their Buddha Belly works great on all the places that get greasy and also works great for removing bugs from the leading edges and the prop. It's all spray bottles and micro fiber cloths. I can clean my plane in the hangar and haven't washed it with water for about 5 years now. I have several of their products but all I really use is the Buddha Belly and the One, which I think is supposed to be a ceramic coating or something.
      Rollie VanDorn
      Findlay, OH
      Patrol Quick Build


      • #4
        I use some waterless gojo wipes that come in a little tub. They work pretty well.


        • #5
          Water and Dawn dish soap works. Use it on bellies of radials and turbines. Unless you have a urethane paint on fabric, my 2 cents worth says no silicones on fabric. Some processes stiffen after use of silicones. Cracks and ringworm.


          • #6
            I use (any brand) dishwashing soak mixed generously with water in a spray bottle. It comes off pretty easy with a rag, even the years of accumulated lead comes off easily.


            • #7
              In a pinch you could use what A&Ps call Simple Blue (avgas) but I'd check with your top coat manufacturer, since that's the surface in question.
              Scratch building Patrol #275
              Hood River, OR


              • #8
                Bob’s assistant Mike Meador long ago recommended Goop or the like hand soap. Works great on the exhaust stains.

