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Franks LSA

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  • #61
    Assembled the center structure of the wings horizontally on the table. Then mounted them in a vertical jig for the addition of nose and back ribs. This will soon lead to welding of the steel parts which go into the wings. Here's a short slideshow/video which shows some details.
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    This gallery has 6 photos.
    Frank Forney
    Englewood CO
    EAA Chapter 301


    • Bcone1381
      Bcone1381 commented
      Editing a comment
      One builder years ago was a mill wright. He used string going thru the jig holes at the front of the nose rib to align them prior to match drilling them to the attach angles.

  • #62
    Great progress Frank. The wings look great. I have started working on my ribs. I am putting the stiffener angels on the flange side of the ribs. I dont know if the makes any difference which side they go on? Frank I am going to send your space back to you. Thanks for sending them. I will not be able to use the as I have decided to make my spar caps in one piece. I also plan to sell 2 more sets of one piece spar caps ill be making along with my set of spar caps. I look forward to seeing your progress.

