Finished my second rear spar today. I'm stoked. On to the front spars. All details are fabricated. Just need fastening. Whoever said " no matter what, keep moving forward" got it right.
Patrol #30
Here's some pictures of the finished rear spars. Still need a little touch up paint on the rivets but they're ready for wing panel final assembly. Primer is Stits.
Patrol #30
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You need some angles brackets on the rear of the rear spar for the pocket ribs.
You mean these. I did leave off the most inbd cove rib attach angles because I'm not exactly sure of their inbd/outbd location. When I finalize the the flap and aileron spars then I'll know for sure.
Patrol #30
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On mine I put my wing tip bracket a little closer to the end so that rivets can be driven thru pocket rib into the wing tip rib.  I do not think there is anything in the drawing. I was following Eric Newton's manual.
sjt p284
Started setting the fasteners on the fwd spars. This is a big step for me. I go slow, should finish both spars in a couple of weeks. Will post pictures as I go. Placenent of the compression struts is a concern and keep me up at night. Part of the challenge of scratch building. Fussing about a 19' table for wing preliminary assembly and fuse fabrication. Have looked all over the web. Any input welcome.
Patrol #30
I made three 6 foot by 4 foot tables with three quarter inch plywood tops. I'll bolt two or three together as needed. each has leveling screws under the legs. Worked fine for my four Place wings.
Fussing about a 19' table for wing preliminary assembly and fuse fabrication. Have looked all over the web. Any input welcome.
Patrol #30
I follow Sir Newton build thread here and see a plethora of what I think we should make into "Bearhawk Industry Best Practices" His is not using a table. You've probably seen it in Post #51 of "Bearhawk 5 school of Construction.
Hello to the Board!
I am sure learning lots of techniques of working with 2024 material. 30 nose ribs & RH /LH Model B ribs cut out. Still have a big pile of material to go through yet. Cheers all.