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Don't see this part on the plans----

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  • Don't see this part on the plans----

    was just watching one of b-Spot's good videos- in building the elevator hinges. At the vary end of it-- he shows a little piece that he is going to tack weld onto the horizonal trailing spar--. The little piece is kind of "X" shaped and is looking like it's going UNDER the hinge. It looks like a perch for the underside of the hinge's round tube to rest on. I just looked on my plans and I don't see a part like that. Is that a part he added -- or is he working on a different version than the patrol ? Here is a screen capture of the part in question-----


    Any ideas ? what is that and where did it come from ?


  • #2
    i found mention of it on the on-line rough draft of the building manual. However- it would be nice to see a picture of the part-- since I have not found it in the plans so far----

    The screen grab pic is pretty hard to see----


    • #3
      I believe its just extra support for the hinge, I don't remember seeing them on my plans either. Scott


      • #4
        Is this the support to keep the hinge in place for drilling the aft spar after the airfoil reverse section jig and aileron or flap has been removed?


        • #5
          It supports the flat sides of the elevator and rudder hinges. Shown on the rudder page of my Bearhawk 4 plans.



          • rodsmith
            rodsmith commented
            Editing a comment
            I made the pieces a little long, then trimmed them to get a good fit.

        • #6
          Why would this not be on the Patrol plans?


          • rodsmith
            rodsmith commented
            Editing a comment
            Sounds like a question for Bob.

        • #7
          Let me look again on that small cross section of the hinge-----

          Stand by ----

          Not in the patrol plans in the same little cross section view that Rod showed above. It seems to show the hinge tube touching the tube that it bolts to.
          I would think--- the way the hinges are designed-- that you want each hinge to "float" somewhat so they are self aligning. if that little perch tries to align the hinge tube it could bind up the hinge operation. So is it just some kind of stand off to crate a gap ? I guess you would need some gap for the fabric on to not rub......

          I can look on the B model plans before I go to bed and see if it's there or not----

          it looks like it forms some kind of lateral stabilizer---to prevent left-right deflection ?

          OK -- looked on my set of model B plans and it IS THERE .....

          Last edited by fairchild1934; 07-30-2024, 11:34 PM.


          • #8
            Side by side comparison. Red line shows different dimensions.
            Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 10.30.20 AM.png
            Brooks Cone
            Southeast Michigan
            Patrol #303, Kit build


            • #9
              Thank you Brooks--- that would seems to clear up the question ..... that would seem to leave about 1/8 inch between the hinge body and the post...

