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aileron cable pass thru on wing root rib

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  • aileron cable pass thru on wing root rib

    1/4" hole centered on fairlead tube center outboard of the wing root. Aileron cable will pass thru this similar to the yellow string. Does this need to be drilled to a larger diameter. I'm thinking the fairlead will keep the cable centered unless there is a significant direction change as the cable goes to the fuselage

    aileron cable pass thru.jpg

  • #2
    The more I read the shows to drill 1/2" dia for cable...


    • #3
      Originally posted by DBeaulieu View Post
      The more I read the shows to drill 1/2" dia for cable...
      I started to respond that my plans showed 1/2", then realized you were building a Patrol and my plans are for the Five and hoped someone with Patrol experience would respond. Glad you got it sorted!
      Bill Duncan
      Troy, Idaho
      Bearhawk Five Scratchbuild - Plans #5053
      N53BD - reserved


      • #4
        When your wing is done you will want to be able to remove and replace this aileron cable. So for me an eye splice and the appropriate turnbuckle end should fit through the hole.
        Brooks Cone
        Southeast Michigan
        Patrol #303, Kit build


        • DBeaulieu
          DBeaulieu commented
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          Brooks, are you talking about removing this cable due to wear and tear or to facilitate assembly? I asked about the issue of cable replacement to a couple working mechanics and they both stated to replace that cable they would "dyke it" at the root, and pull a new cable as they remove the old one from the bellcrank access.

        • Bcone1381
          Bcone1381 commented
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          Your mechanics have a better way. I just thought as I build that I would remove the old cable, and fabricate a new one on the bench that is identical in length.

        • jaredyates
          jaredyates commented
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          If you had to remove the wings before the cables were worn out, you'd still have to cut them if the holes were small. But then again maybe in that case the cables are the least of your worries.

      • #5
        If nothing else, you are removing material and weight that will perform no function for the life of the airframe.


        • #6
          1/2" for Patrol aileron cable through 032, stub, and 025 ribs inboard of the aileron frame.


          • #7
            Appreciate all the replies!

