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Speaking of skylights...

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  • Speaking of skylights...

    Getting ready to mark and trim the sides of Lexan sheet. Front to back dimensions are straightforward but I am left wondering how much (if any) overhang I should have over the square tube formers on the side. Part of me thinks I should have some "extra" versus flush. Anyone with some ideas/opinions? Also for the wing root fairings; I am under the impression that fasteners should not be shared on the fuselage side of the fairing with the skylight due to wing flex and potential for cracking the skylight. Again, any ideas or thoughts appreciated. Build on!

    Dave (from Maine)

  • #2
    I left a little overhang, easy enough to cut it off later if need be. As for the fairing, There is a Bearhawk Tips entry ( that says to attach the fairing on both the wing and fuselage on top and only on the wing underneath so I don't think there is much movement so close to the root. Also, the nature of the fasteners for the skylight side (oversize holes, some sort of washer/water seal) means that they will stick up a fair amount. If you don't use them to attach the fairing you will need to account for that.


    • DBeaulieu
      DBeaulieu commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks for the link. I suppose if one left a 1 or 2 inch overhang the fairing (with rubber strip of some sort) could simply overlap the Lexan overhang
      Last edited by DBeaulieu; 03-22-2024, 08:04 AM.

  • #3
    I cut mine flush with the formers. When you start connecting wiring and fuel lines after installing the wings, you will be glad you did. Not much room between the fuselage and wings. Also lexan is heavy compared to aluminum trim strips.


    • DBeaulieu
      DBeaulieu commented
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      What is typically done at the fairing to fuselage interface/attachment (if any attachment other than at the wing root?)

    • rodsmith
      rodsmith commented
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      I used screws both sides of the fairing. The screws on the inside also secure the lexan to the former.

  • #4
    The fairing on mine attaches only to the wing root and rests on the skylight. It seems to work well.
    Nev Bailey
    Christchurch, NZ - Safety & Maintenance Notes
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