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New member to talk about batteries

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  • New member to talk about batteries

    I'm here as the new battery whisperer... the good, the bad, the ugly.. i want to hear about it. I'm the " alternative choice " in lithium. I've made an offer to the 1st taker.thanks Andy

  • #2
    Hiya, how do your products compare to EarthX? I have two of those in my plane - fit for a IO540.
    Almost flying!


    • #3
      How do they compare, good Q. to be honest, pretty much the same; hi rate cells, hi amp BMS, all the BMS protections including over charge current protection.
      That just leaves the cosmetics... the case. Which admittedly is a big deal. My new 680Li green case is the exact dims of the lead acid variety. in 3 ah sizes.
      THen i have the smaller compact cases, 3 choices. I have the battery status indicator, external LED. ... what else...price, u can decide that for yourself.
      Take a look at and tell me whats missing...whats needed... etc.


      • #4
        I’m still a year or two out from needing a battery but will definitely be using a Lithium of some sort when the time is right. Thermals (I would prefer a firewall-forward mounting to eliminate venting concerns and avoid penetrating the firewall with the starter supply cable), shelf life, easy recovery from inadvertent full discharge (can I use any typical jump pack?) and some way to gather BMS data (state of charge, cell balance state, usable capacity) and present it on a typical EFIS system (I am pondering Dynon and Garmin offerings) are all things I will consider.
        Thanks for joining and welcome to the Forum!


        • #5
          OK, I will bite…

          I just purchased an EarthX battery case/box (still returnable) for the 900 series battery that weighs 4.9 pounds and will be mounted under the pilot seat so I can have a quick connect for a trickle charger.

          So, do you have a product that is of similar output? Similar size and weight? Battery box that fits for mounting? Quick connect for a trickle charger? Cost?

          I am like most pilots, I am going for the best cost for the same performance/weight.



          Revo Sunglasses Ambassador


          • #6
            I have a Earthx 900. Not flying yet. I wish I had the same with no BMS. To me a BMS in an airplane is another failure point. LifePo4 is very safe at our charge, discharge rates. For other chemistries, I might want a BMS. I still might investigate eliminating the BMS in my EarthX.


            • #7
              My 680Li has the same dims as the lead acid 680 case. 18Ah, 5.6 lbs, Lithium batteries dont use trickle chargers, those are a lead acid thing.( unless u have a parasitic drain )
              The new line of batteries will be available end of June.
              Battery boxes made to order.
              BMS Q.. a good Q - yes, a circuit board is a failure point. Without it, you have to manage your own overvoltage and undervoltage limits. ( same as a lead battery )
              If you can do that ( with aid of a battery status light) then, no problemo.
              I can make a battery with Dual balancer boards, balance charge port and include the batt status tri color flashing LED. This is the way I made my batteries in 2011 when i
              introduced dedicated lithium aviation batteries to the flying market.
              All things are possible.


              • #8
                Well, Aug 21 and no takers... too bad. Prices lowered: 12Ah $310 and 18Ah $475,
                Attached Files
                Last edited by aerolithium; 08-21-2022, 03:40 PM. Reason: Dont see any way to be notified on any replies.....


                • Battson
                  Battson commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Maybe post a video of one starting an O-540 engine, or at least cranking it for a few 10 second bursts. Haven't seen any such promotional material, had a quick look at the website.

              • #9
                That engine will crank at about 225+ amps and you realize that engaging the starter for " a few" 10 seconds will burn it up and engage the BMS thermal protection right ? Of course, there is another battery that will keep on cranking till it melts.
                Last edited by aerolithium; 08-21-2022, 11:41 PM. Reason: added link


                • #10
                  Originally posted by aerolithium View Post
                  That engine will crank at about 225+ amps and you realize that engaging the starter for " a few" 10 seconds will burn it up and engage the BMS thermal protection right ? Of course, there is another battery that will keep on cranking till it melts.
                  Tell us more.
                  Brooks Cone
                  Southeast Michigan
                  Patrol #303, Kit build

