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test clubs ?

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  • test clubs ?

    has anyone tried making a test club for a 4 cyl. Lycoming ?
    I have 2 props but they are too long for the test stand-----
    how would you balance a club ? would a simple pivot type be good enough ?

  • #2
    have we become a ghost town ?


    • #3
      I am unfamiliar with what you are asking
      Revo Sunglasses Ambassador


      • #4
        The town populated with people who make their own test club is indeed a ghost town- I think you have your answer in the absence of replies. It doesn't sound like a good idea to me, as far as the various safety needs, cooling needs, etc. What are you hoping to accomplish?


        • #5
          I would try calling engine shops who use clubs to run in engines. they may be able to tell you where they got theirs. i discussed engine run in briefly with Don at Dons Dream Machines. he did mention that their test club was designed to get a lot of cooling air over the uncowled engine, but i don’t know what that entails.


          • #6
            I thought about a test stand, but it seemed like too much work for a one off, including a test club. I did make a cooling shroud that bolts to the engine. I will just tie the tail to my truck and use the airplane as a test stand with the regular prop to break in the engine on the ground. Airport authority permitting of course.


            • #7
              I am curious of your goal for running the engine on a test stand?
              Brooks Cone
              Southeast Michigan
              Patrol #303, Kit build


              • #8
                I dont know that there is any "goal" at the moment. Its on a stand I converted from a large stand I made for a cummins diesel. Both my airframes are tied up at the moment. (one hanging from rafters and the other I am working on----)
                I thought at some point I MIGHT want to try running it..... but the stand only has about 2 feet of clearance. The clubs I have seen on E-Bay are old ones----
                wood and 4 bladed with blades about 18-24 inches -- and appear to be maple. If I had a full size test stand- I could just use the prop.
                maybe no one uses clubs anymore ......... ?????


                • #9
                  I'm still toying with the idea of breaking in on the ground. Turns out my county specifically exempts aircraft engine testing and maintenance from the noise ordinance
                  Dave B.
                  Plane Grips Co.


                  • svyolo
                    svyolo commented
                    Editing a comment
                    I am going to look into whether a county or city has the authority to do that. There are specific FAR's and MIL specs that require engine testing on the ground. I have stood next to maybe a hundred jet engines being run at max power on the ground. It was required in the military. I can't believe a city, county or state can over ride FAR engine and maintenance requirements. Orange County CA maybe being an outlier.

                • #10
                  in that case - immediately switch to a J-79 :-)

