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AOA Indicators

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  • AOA Indicators

    Intrested in installing an AOA. Wondering what brands/kits builders are using. This would need to be installed in a buttoned up wing and I'm curious of any difficulty of the Install. Your comments appreciated

  • #2
    I went with the Garmin pitot, GAP-26 (I think) its a heated pitot with AOA built in. Several options for the display, It will connect to the G3X and show up on that or Garmin has an AOA display if you aren't going with an EFIS. Seems to work well and is pretty easy to calibrate in flight.
    Rollie VanDorn
    Findlay, OH
    Patrol Quick Build


    • #3
      I've been looking at the G3X, and building on that as finances allow. There are a lot of options to consider.


      • #4
        In my view annunciation / audio warning is the most valuable part of the system, the visual part is probably only 50% as useful.

        I used the Dynon system. Retrofitting certain systems will involve running a new pitot tube, which could be a fiddly job. Not impossible though.


        • Rollie
          Rollie commented
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          Definitely agree that the audio is more important. On the G3X the AOA display pops up at whatever speed you set it up for, mine is displayed at below 45 kts or so, but I almost never see it because I'm usually not looking inside at that point but I always hear it. The tone changes as you get closer to stall so you really have no need to look inside.

        • yateselden
          yateselden commented
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          I have also looked into the Dynon, and agree audio is more important than visual. Some are extremely annoying/distracting to me then others are more pleasing to my ear. I don't know what AOA would be the one I'm looking for.

      • #5
        I've always thought Belite's was interesting:

        Scratch building Patrol #275
        Hood River, OR


        • JimParker256
          JimParker256 commented
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          Are they still selling it? I can't find it in their "store"... (Or maybe my "Google-fu" is just weak tonight...)

      • #6
        Originally posted by yateselden View Post
        I have also looked into the Dynon, and agree audio is more important than visual. Some are extremely annoying/distracting to me then others are more pleasing to my ear. I don't know what AOA would be the one I'm looking for.
        It makes a dull beep----beep----beep tone, increasing in frequency.
        It's dead easy to wire a rheostat into the circuit, so you have handy volume control on the panel. About $3 from Radio Shack or similar. I used three for my EFIS / EMS / GPS audio alerts.


        • #7
          It is hard to unlearn years of habits with anything, including flying. If you can get used to flying approaches using AOA as your primary reference, you will never hear the warning go off. Unfortunately AOA instruction never really caught on in the civilian world. The old electromechanical style AOA were expensive and a bit unreliable.

          I feel uncomfortable without it, but it was drilled into me from the beginning.

          I will start out with the Dynon AOA, but if I don't like it I might try a separate system. I don't need IFR capability, but I would feel naked without AOA.
          Last edited by svyolo; 11-28-2018, 02:17 AM.


          • #8
            You can also just use a bent aluminum tube as your pitot and have another one underneath canted down at 45 degrees. The GRT avionics rep I spoke to said their system would work fine with that setup. Obviously you would still need to run another pitot line to the panel and get an indicator.

            I spent $15 on some parts and built a heated pitot/static/AOA tube. I have a few bugs to work out but hope to use it over a $450 unit from Garmin


            • #9
              One of the GRT Mini series is a possible solution. We used a Dynon AOA pitot tube ($195) with our GRT EFIS. GRT does offer a calculated AOA that is apparently quite accurate unless you are flying in vertically moving air.
              Scratch Built 4-place Bearhawk. Continental IO-360, 88" C203 McCauley prop.


              • #10
                I asked a Dynon rep about using calculated AOA last summer, but he either wasn't interested or didn't understand. I didn't know anybody used it. The company I work for is just now starting to teach its' use. It actually works as good, and probably better, than an AOA gauge. It doesn't ever break, go out of calibration, etc. And it is free, other than some money spent on code in the beginning.

                It is even better if you have a HUD, but an EFIS works too.


                • #11
                  I'm using a 1/2" ss tubeing pitot I made. Not sure the location is in the best place. It projects from the center leading edge, bends down 4"" at a 45 deg. then 45s streight about one foot ahead of the leading edge. Not sure the aoa will work in that location. Might just go with the Garmin pitot


                  • #12
                    Hello every body

                    I have gotten familiar with 0851 multifuntion probe which is a 5-hole heated probe and I am intersted to know if there is any smart type of this product. by smart I mean a product which analyze and output the ready to use signals.

                    does anybody have idea about this.

                    thank you


                    • #13
                      Using heated Garmin Gap-26 which has a clean interface to the G3X touch display plus you can easily add the Garmin Navy style visual AOA indicator as a glare shield option.


                      • #14
                        I use the Dynon AOA probe. The visual indicator is user selectable onscreen. I just use the audible beeper setup which I find excellent. Mine is calibrated to begin beeping when reasonably close to the stall in the STOL approach attitude.
                        Nev Bailey
                        Christchurch, NZ

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