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Need to confirm O-540 Type 2 Engine Mounts for order

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  • Need to confirm O-540 Type 2 Engine Mounts for order

    I was ready to order my engine mounts. Then I confused myself again.

    Bob spec'd the following in the 3Q2007 Beartracks:

    Engine - Lyc. O-540 Type II mount hole dia. 2.00 in bracket
    Barry #94110-02 Lord #J-9613-12
    Russ used the Lord #J-9613-12 in his CD.

    There is a different Lord number spec'd in the Avipro Builder's Assistance Manual (page 66), If I'm reading it right, it agrees with Bob on the Barry Mount but details a Lord #J3804-20.

    Is that a typo or an update? Just like to be sure since these are a bit of an investment. Safe thing to do is go with the Barry Mount since that is the one that has consensus in all places that I have looked. If anyone used the Barry #94110-02, any hints on bolt length to use.

    Any and all help appreciated.
    Last edited by John Bickham; 05-17-2016, 11:08 PM.
    Thanks too much,
    John Bickham

    Los Lunas, NM Mid Valley Airpark E98
    BH Plans #1117
    Avipro wings/Scratch

  • #2
    So I'm looking to order my engine mounts for my Barrows IO-540 type ii mount, and I'm similarly confused. As far as I know I can go with the Lord J-3804-20 or J-3804-28 for much greater expense. What have others used, is the price difference between these Lord mounts and others worth it?
    Dave B.
    Plane Grips Co.


    • #3
      I recently became intimately involved in this process... I purchased a brand new Thunderbolt YIO-540 from Lycoming through Mark Goldberg. The engine arrived with the Type 1 (30 degrees) ears on the engine. At the time, we did not know this and were struggling as to why my engine would not fit to the Type 2 engine mount I received with the kit.

      I learned that Type 1 ears and Type 1 mounts are for earlier generation Lycoming. Why mine was sent with Type 1 ears, we still don't know. After a lot of back and forth, we are working with Lycoming to send me Type 2 ears (18 degrees) that will attach to my Type 2 mount and hopefully put this debacle to bed.

      So... What you guys are referring to are the isolators, not mounts. Mark provided me with the following numbers for both Lord and Barry isolators to use on the Type 2 mounts and Type 2 engine mounting ears.



      I'm chalking this up as a learning experienceI .

      Good luck!
      Rob Caldwell
      Lake Norman Airpark (14A), North Carolina
      EAA Chapter 309
      Model B Quick Build Kit Serial # 11B-24B / 25B
      YouTube Channel:
      1st Flight May 18, 2021


      • #4

        "O-540’s have two different diameter holes in the mount lugs, which are bolted to the case. If you have a 2″ hole , then you need the Barry PN94011-02 (Lord J3804-20) isolator and the Type II mount from Bearhawk Aircraft. If you have a 1 3/8″ hole on your engine, then you need a Barry 94110-01 (Lord J7402-24) and the Type I engine mount."

        ​​​​​​The holes on the ears of my engine are 2". This is still unclear.
        Dave B.
        Plane Grips Co.


        • Mark Goldberg
          Mark Goldberg commented
          Editing a comment
          If they are 2" I.D. - you have a Type II engine. No confusion there. You can use any of the engine rubber isolators that I have given you or the manual gives you for the Type II mount. Mark

      • #5
        I can verify that the Barry 94110-01 isolator works with the Type 1 mount. My engine came off a 1964 Cherokee 235 so I can believe the type 1 is earlier generation.


        • #6
          Right on, thanks Mark. I think I'll be going with the Lord J-3804-28 with the extra internal damper.. "Spare no expense" to quote Dr. Hammond...
          Dave B.
          Plane Grips Co.


          • #7

            I ordered the J-3804-28 for the extra damping insert. The parts that were shipped to me say J-3804-28 on the box, but have J-3049-35 molded on them and don't seem to fit as they are too small. The diameter of the neck of the isolator is about 1-3/8", so I think these are for the smaller lugs (and that the build manual might be incorrect).

            The supplier is checking to see if they have isolators that are molded with the correct part number, but I think these are the wrong parts anyway especially since seeing svyolo posted about using the J-3804-20 for his Type I mount.

            Mark G. provided the following part numbers for type II mounts, Lord J-9613-12 and Barry 94011-02, but I don't know if these have the extra dampers or not and that's something I'd like. Anyone know the right part numbers for Type II 2" dia mounts with the extra dampers?
            Last edited by Archer39J; 11-27-2019, 04:52 PM.
            Dave B.
            Plane Grips Co.


            • #8
              Dave, the J9613-12 that Mark specs are correct. Attached is a pic of how they look. The centre steel bushing is bonded inside a rubber casing with some sort of fluid/gel inside. Bolt size for these using an Avi-pro mount is AN7-34.

              Last edited by aerolite; 11-28-2019, 05:25 PM.
              Steve Busby


              • Archer39J
                Archer39J commented
                Editing a comment
                Fantastic, thanks Steve! Couldn't find a photo of what these looked like.

              • jaredyates
                jaredyates commented
                Editing a comment
                If you end up with the Type 1 mount, the an7-34 will be too long. I used the 7-26.

            • #9
              Ordered the J9613-12 mounts to find they have the solid spacer. So I contacted LORD and this was their reply:

              "Hi David,

              Thank you for contacting Lord now part of Parker Hannifin. We offer engine mounting kit P/N J-9613-40. This kit includes the same sandwich mount components (P/N’s J-7763-1 and J-9612-8) that are included in the J-9613-12 kit. However, the difference is that the J-9613-40 kit includes an LM Damper, or what we often refer to as a Gum Spacer, rather than a straight bonded spacer like what comes with the J-9613-12 mounts. Yet both spacers are the same length, so the key dimensions of the installed mounts will not be affected."

              I have J-9613-40 on order now and will be returning my second set of mounts, hopefully third time's the charm.
              Dave B.
              Plane Grips Co.


              • Archer39J
                Archer39J commented
                Editing a comment
                Looks like it was, if you want isolators for a Type II dynafocal mount that have the LM dampers get the J-9613-40.

            • #10

              Edit to remove my saltiness: Ordered the part number from the manual, but it was wrong. Confirmed with Virgil the correct number and ordered that.
              Last edited by Zzz; 10-22-2024, 05:13 PM.


              • #11
                Can you share the correct number so that we can more fully propagate it please?


                • #12
                  Originally posted by jaredyates View Post
                  Can you share the correct number so that we can more fully propagate it please?
                  The correct answer is in post #8.

                  The kit manual has a mistake that's prob screwed a few of us by now.

                  To save anyone else the time calling Lord/Parker, I’ve attached the drawing showing the correct orientation of the two discretely numbered halves of the J-9613-12 mount kit (used with Dynafocal Type 2 and 2” I.D. ears.)

                  The halves get flipped from front to rear on the bottom ears, presumably because they’re of different durometer elastomer and it puts the load on the firmer ones.IMG_2751 Large.jpg
                  Last edited by Zzz; 10-24-2024, 02:03 PM.


                  • #13
                    I have updated the page here:
                    It looks like the part number was correct in the older Beartracks listing but not correct in the KBM entry. If you see it anywhere else, please let me know.
                    The whole manual concept is in a transition as Virgil creates new ones, but we definitely want to correct any errors in any old manuals that are going to persist.
                    Thank you for pointing this problem out and I'm sorry I didn't catch it sooner.

