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Question for ALL flying Bearhawks

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  • #16
    Bear is a Russian bomber that makes occasional appearances on the west coast.
    Bearhawk 4 Place
    MGL Odyssey Gen 2 EFIS
    ABW 29" Tires
    Appareo ESG ADSB-Out
    Garmin GTR-200 COMM


  • #17
    I looked up the designator for the Patrol and found BPAT.


    • Flygirl1
      Flygirl1 commented
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      Ed, interesting, where did you look that up? How goes the flying? We can't seem to stop. Just yesterday we turned over 182 hours and after this morning it will be 183. ;-)

  • #18
    I believe the ICAO designation is officially "Bear"

    That is about as good as ICAO designations get, so I make full use of it whenever possible!
    Last edited by Battson; 11-12-2017, 02:30 PM.


    • #19
      I like to say a mouthful so people get familiar with the Bearhawk brand, and say "exp bearhawk 12345 however that's all lost on the ground due to the plane not having any Bearhawk labeling on it......"nice Maule" is what I hear. Argh!


      • Mark Goldberg
        Mark Goldberg commented
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        Sounds like DemoDollCate needs a couple Bearhawk decals. Mark

      • Flygirl1
        Flygirl1 commented
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        If you like ours, I can get you the file for the Bearhawk without the Patrol on it. I believe it works so you can take it to your place of choice to have decals made in the size you want.

      • Flygirl1
        Flygirl1 commented
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        Looking over the old posts, I see where you thought of a red circle with a line through it that says " Maule" :-) We had originally thought I would have a Hawk standing, pointing and laughing towards my partner plane who had a Hawk without feathers. standing covering important parts. ;-)

    • #20
      reviving an old thread - here in South Africa, our CAA uses "Bear" but since there are 5 different models now (LSA through Bh 5) does anybody have an idea if the 5 has a designator of its own?


      • #21
        As far as I know, BEAR and BPAT are the only two. I sent a message to the ICAO committee people some years ago to ask about the LSA and received a non-answer along the lines of "we'll look into it.". I think it would be a hard case to make a distinction between the 4-place and Five for ATC performance purposes. There is more difference between a 170hp and 300hp 4-place than there is between a 4-place and a Five with the same engine.


        • #22
          Thank you Jared. Appreciate the feedback. I also found those same two designators.

          Here in South Africa, our CAA licensing system requires that we are "type rated" on each type, not just by SEL, MEL etc. and this is reflected on our licenses. When a new aircraft type comes to SA, there is a bit of a process getting it all approved with CAA and having a similar designator might help.

          Am trying to establish what the Five place designator might be (we don't have any Five's in SA yet)
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