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Oshkosh 2024

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  • #16
    We have that pavilion rented already in the Oshkosh city park for Tuesday evening. Just like the last two years. We will provide the food and everyone can kick in to cover the cost. Last year $10 from everyone covered the cost of the food & drink. Virgil will post a sign up list soon for everyone to get on the list so we have some idea of the amount of food & drink to bring. And others can sign up at the booth. Mark


    • #17
      Thanks Mark and Virgil!


      • #18
        For those in attendance, it's another of those super wet, super sloppy years on the field so be sure to plan accordingly! Bearhawks with bushwheels will probably not experience too much difficulty, of course. Seemingly endless supply of rain this year should make camping an exciting experience!
        Christopher Owens
        Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
        Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
        Germantown, Wisconsin, USA


        • #19
          We've made the decision to drive. The weather getting across the mountains is not looking good for the next week. We plan to be at the show Monday and Tuesday and will head out Wednesday morning. Because we are driving, we are bringing plenty of Bearhawk hats and a few of the 20 oz tumblers. Please reach out if you are in the market!


          • #20
            Wisconsin in the summer is beautiful. I envy you guys. Have fun.


            • #21
              Hey all. My buddy and I are staying in Ripon and riding a shuttle bus back and forth. Any chance one of you can give us a ride to the dinner? Back would also be appreciated but a little more inconvenient. We have to be at Friar Tucks next to the Airfield before 2000 to catch the bus. Will likely use Uber for that.
              Patrol QB #312
              Buchanan Airfield
              Concord, CA


              • #22
                Nice to see many of you again this year, and thanks to Mark Goldberg and Bearhawk Aircraft as always for being gracious hosts. Last day of the big show for me today and meeting old friends to give them a tour of the grounds during their first visit here. Maybe I’ll convert one or two more into airplane people today.

                Stay safe out there!
                Christopher Owens
                Bearhawk 4-Place Scratch Built, Plans 991
                Bearhawk Patrol Scratch Built, Plans P313
                Germantown, Wisconsin, USA


                • Nev
                  Nev commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Nice meeting you Chris !

              • #23
                Our last day today too and we've had a fantastic time. The highlight has been meeting so many Bearhawk people. Thanks to Virgil and Mark for the gathering on Tuesday, and to Brooks for the walk. We've enjoyed a lot of good conversations, viewed the Bearhawk's that are here, and had a great time watching the airshow. There's too much to see in a week, we plan to be back ! We look forward to seeing you all again then.
                Last edited by Nev; 07-27-2024, 07:52 AM.
                Nev Bailey
                Christchurch, NZ

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