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Kit #60

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  • Kit #60

    Bearhawk 5 kit #60 found it's way to a new home today. VIP delivery by Virgil and Mackenzie.

    I can't say enough good things about the Irwins. I really feel good about my decision to build a Bearhawk 5, and am excited to get going.

    I have a few more things to get organized in my shop, and then I will build a workbench and rotisserie.

    Hopefully, I will start the build process within a few weeks.

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  • #2
    Awesome! Let the fun begin
    Revo Sunglasses Ambassador


    • #3
      Enjoy the build. It is a rewarding experience.
      QB Companion C-9


      • #4
        My wife insists that I get everything nice and organized before I start building. I got all the smaller loose box pieces inventoried, and organized some of my tools.

        I also purchased two engine stands from Harbor Freight. It will be a week or two before I'm able to get serious building the rotisserie. I am in a bit of a holding pattern due to work and helping a family member move.

        I still need to build a work bench for my drill press, vice, sander, etc. I may build a mobile one with multiple workstations on both sides. I am perusing plans for inspiration.

        I have decided on a couple of large sawhorses for each wing, and I have plenty of room to use them to store the wings until I am ready. I am thinking about 40 inches tall so I don't have to bend over as much while working on them. They will be big and sturdy, with a wide top. It's a bit overkill, but I think I will pad the tops with foam and then wrap them with carpet, or something similar.
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        • #5
          I’m 110 hours into my 5 currently. I got one of these to help with organizing. I opted for the one on rollers so I could move it to where I’m working

          N750HT - Model 5


          • TJ_Slice
            TJ_Slice commented
            Editing a comment
            I have that one for other things. the only thing I don't like about it is that it is very easy to knock the bins off. It would be a nightmare to have 500+ rivets scattered about.

        • #6
          Trust me!!! You NEED this


          Revo Sunglasses Ambassador


          • TJ_Slice
            TJ_Slice commented
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            Thanks, I do have something similar, and I am sure it will come in handy.

          • jaredyates
            jaredyates commented
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            Up until very recently I never had the luxury of a paved floor. But I just got one of these, they are marked down this month if you are in the club:

          • TJ_Slice
            TJ_Slice commented
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            Lol, if you look at the second picture I posted above, you will see one. For $90, it's a bargain!

        • #7
          I am about as disorganized as they come, but I knew that would be a nightmare building a BH. I had organizers for everything. To cut down on # organizers I would double up on drawers. I had bolts organized by size and length, and still have them. I put #3 and #5 bolts in the same drawer, and 4 and 6 the same. Rivets, drill bits - everything in little organizers.


          • TJ_Slice
            TJ_Slice commented
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            I just received my hardware shipment from Aircraft Spruce. The first thing my wife said is, "We are going to need more organizers!"

        • #8
          Organization is key, especially when space is limited.
          Attached Files


          • #9
            For my kit, the hardware is sourced from Aircraft Spruce. It is all included with the kit. Bearhawk ordered it and shipped it straight to me.

            Aircraft Spruce must be a very interesting place with all of the parts they stock.

            There are still a few items on back order, but I spent some time doing inventory and organization of the parts. Bearhawk gave me a list of everything ordered from Aircraft Spruce. There were a few items that took some time to check off, such as items listed with AN numbers, but shipped with MS numbers.

            Another one was the control cable turnbuckles. They were ordered as an assembly, which had a distinct AN number, but Spruce shipped them as individual parts, which have different AN numbers.

            It was a fun process for me. But, it was also a bit overwhelming to look at all the parts and know that I will be using every one of them at some point. One piece at a time.

            Here is a picture of my work. Next up is building a workbench, table, and sawhorses for the wings. After that is the rotisserie. I hope to be drilling in the fuselage by the end of February.

            I’ve recorded a few videos of the process, and will get it up on YouTube within a week or so, in case anyone is interested in what to expect when your kit is delivered.



            • #10
              I also forgot to mention that Bearhawk also included a very nice hardcover reference book. I’m sure I will use it often during the build. It was a very nice touch!!!



              • #11
                I designed and printed some u-bolt brackets for the attachment of the rear fuselage rotisserie. By themselves, they are larger than the vertical stab tubing, but I used 1/16” neoprene rubber to sandwich them in. They fell really solid. I plan on using 2 more brackets on each u-bolt to capture a piece of square tubing that will be welded to the rotisserie.

                Edit: I attached the STL files for the brackets. There are 2 sizes, I used 2 small ones for the upper tubing, and one larger one on the bottom.

                Attached Files
                Last edited by TJ_Slice; 02-09-2025, 03:57 PM.


                • #12
                  The last few days was spent building a workbench and rolling work table. I started on the aft engine stand for the rotisserie. It's chopped up, stripped, and ready to weld in an extension and the u-joint. I'm on track to meet my goal of drilling the first hole on the airplane by the end of the month.
                  Attached Files


                  • #13
                    I'll start off with this: welding is not as easy as people make it look. I'm confident that my welds will hold, but they look terrible. It wasn't an easy project to learn on, but given the fact that closest thing I had ever used to a welder was a hot glue gun, it turned out OK.

                    I still have a little bit left to fabricate. Tomorrow, I am taking a couple of 1/4" steel plates to be cut at a CNC shop near me. The result will be an 8" disc, that I will weld on to the rear of each of the rotisseries, and my plan is to fabricate something that I can clamp them to. That will be my method of holding the rotisserie where I want it.

                    I'll spray pain the bare metal parts, then they will be good to go. I tried white on a small section, but it doesn't go well, so I'll probably just do them red.

                    All in all, the rotisseries took longer than planned, but I should have the fuselage on them by next weekend.

                    Here are a few pictures, just don't zoom in on the welds please. :) You can see how I plan to attach the rear bar to the vertical stab. I am going to get some 1 1/2" steel straps to mount the rotisserie to the engine mounts. I'm planning to just use the 4 corners. I've got some leeway to get the balance right, and the final height should be about 8" lower than where it sits on the crate.
                    Attached Files


                    • #14
                      Originally posted by TJ_Slice View Post
                      I'll start off with this: welding is not as easy as people make it look. I'm confident that my welds will hold, but they look terrible. It wasn't an easy project to learn on, but given the fact that closest thing I had ever used to a welder was a hot glue gun, it turned out OK.
                      Great job! Good news is that in the scratchbuilt rag and tube plane world weld failures are exceedingly rare. The structures are overbuilt, so event though the welds look ugly, they will be okay. Builders also tend to learn welding on non-critical parts, so by the time they finish, they are quite good.

                      I recently needed to fabricate a spreader bar to use hoisting our Sportsman off the ground. I agonized over the best way to do this safely, then eventually just welded some tabs to a 2"steel tube I had laying in garage. Worked just fine lifting a 2000lb plane. Full disclosure though, as an afterthought, I tacked two small tabs near the center thinking they would be useful for centering. The welder spit and complained, but I thought I did not do a good enough job cleaning the metal (I did not). Nope, I had turned off the gas to welder.​
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