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Engine and prop cable brackets

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  • Engine and prop cable brackets

    I was going to start making brackets to hold the ends of the engine and prop control cables and realized lots of other folks have gone down the same path. A quick check on Van's web store found their solution. Any reason not to use them? I am using a cu5000 governor instead of the Hartzell.

  • #2
    I used the vans bracket for the throttle and mixture. It was a little too long which is better than being a little too short.


    • #3
      I picked up my throttle and mixture cable bracket from Airflow Performance, since my engine is equipped with their FI system. The prop control control bracket came with the RV-10 FWF kit I am using, which also includes the control cables (vernier prop and mixture).
      Rob Caldwell
      Lake Norman Airpark (14A), North Carolina
      EAA Chapter 309
      Model B Quick Build Kit Serial # 11B-24B / 25B
      YouTube Channel:
      1st Flight May 18, 2021


      • #4
        i think the governor you're using might matter regarding if their prop cable bracket works. Van's sells the MT and Harztell S series.

        I built the bracket for the hartzell governor that came on the engine I bought, but never checked to make sure the governor was the right one. It's not... so I'm going back and forth on which governor to go to. Stay the old hartzell style with the teardrop like I have or get a new Czech/PCU5000 one and re-route the cable and build a new bracket or take a chance on the van's bracket and maybe save a few hours of fabrication.
        Last edited by zkelley2; 11-03-2019, 12:48 PM.


        • #5
          On second thought, I didn't use a Vans FWF kit, just cooling tin. Too many variables. I will just roll my own.


          • #6
            Has anyone determined if the Vans bracket will work with the PCU5000 prop governor? Van's website says it works with Hartzell or MT governors, curious if it would also fit the PCU 5000 or if I should just fab my own. Like zkelly2 I would like to save a few hours work.

            ...Never mind, I answered my own question, should have kept looking. Looks like they are different, here's a source to buy a bracket for the PCU 5000:
            They also sell a bracket for Hartzell, MT & McCauley which is a different part.
            Last edited by RatherBFlying; 01-17-2025, 12:55 PM.


            • AKKen07
              AKKen07 commented
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              I used that combination, although if I recall I had to change the bracket location vs the vans plans. Some slight modifications but nothing huge. That also may have been due to the cable from their fw fwd package being an awkward length too.

            • svyolo
              svyolo commented
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              I wanted to just buy the Showplanes bracket, but it was out of stock for months during Covid. Out of stock now as well. I just made my own out of 4130 that basically looks the same, other than looking home made rather than CNC'ed. I liked going "over the top" of the engine.

            • Battson
              Battson commented
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              I have that exact setup. Vans baffle kit with bracket included, plus the PCU5000X. No trouble the last 11 years

          • #7
            IMG_0744.jpg IMG_0743.jpg how I did it
            Almost flying!

