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FLY8MA's latest video, A solid commercial for Bearhawk.

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  • FLY8MA's latest video, A solid commercial for Bearhawk.

    Correct me if I am wrong but this has to be the best footage of a Patrol, maybe any Bearhawk flying to date. Also Jon's getting some good numbers in the STOL Comp at the end.

  • #2
    Watching Bearhawk s fly..... never gets boring.... thanks for posting


    • #3
      I like his videos, I think he do a bit more "commercial". Most of his videos he barely mentions Bearhawk.


      • Russellmn
        Russellmn commented
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        I've mentioned to him before that I'd like to hear more about the plane and his impressions of it but all he says is "it's coming", but he's been saying that since he got the thing...

    • #4
      Damn, I miss Alaska!


      • svyolo
        svyolo commented
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        I spent two summers there and it has never gotten out of my mind. I am headed back ASAP.

      • Bacon
        Bacon commented
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        Flying to Alaska with my own plane might be my sole reason for getting my medical/ppl over flying with only sport privileges. Let's hope Canada recognizes it before I finish my Bearhawk.

      • rodsmith
        rodsmith commented
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        21 years wasn't enough for me, too much for my wife:<( That was the kind of flying I did in the summers, minus the stol contest, skiis in the winter.
        Last edited by rodsmith; 08-08-2020, 09:02 AM.

    • #5
      Finally a little Bearhawk love. This is what we need to see more of !
      Glad to see the Logo added to the cowl, good move Mark.


      • #6
        I think "Sponsored by Bearhawk Aircraft" should be digitally edited into the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
        Last edited by svyolo; 08-07-2020, 10:01 PM.


        • #7
          I'm sorry. I saw this video a few days ago, and I literally stopped watching about 1/2 way through. Jon was provided this Bearhawk Patrol to promote it. The fact that he isn't is a real turn off for me.
          Rob Caldwell
          Lake Norman Airpark (14A), North Carolina
          EAA Chapter 309
          Model B Quick Build Kit Serial # 11B-24B / 25B
          YouTube Channel:
          1st Flight May 18, 2021


          • #8
            Originally posted by robcaldwell View Post
            I'm sorry. I saw this video a few days ago, and I literally stopped watching about 1/2 way through. Jon was provided this Bearhawk Patrol to promote it. The fact that he isn't is a real turn off for me.
            I couldn’t agree more. From the beginning, I’ve been puzzled by his lack of effort to appropriately promote the airplane. Don’t get me wrong, any promotion is good but the videos are very focused on his flying and his adventures, not much on the airplane. I’ve flown a lot of different aircraft and I’m of the opinion that you simply cannot fly a Patrol and not be thoroughly impressed with it. For this gentleman to nonchalantly discuss the flying of Mark’s Patrol as if it’s just another super cub, strikes me as odd. I guarantee he loves the thing, why not stroke it? I can’t say enough about my Patrol, all with a huge grin on my face (thanks again Collin!). He could be mentioning these exceptional capabilities on every single video.

            Just an opinion of course.
            Last edited by m.mooney; 08-08-2020, 12:36 AM.


            • #9
              Originally posted by robcaldwell View Post
              I'm sorry. I saw this video a few days ago, and I literally stopped watching about 1/2 way through. Jon was provided this Bearhawk Patrol to promote it. The fact that he isn't is a real turn off for me.
              I wasn't aware of this...can you fill us in on the details...he didn't buy the plane?....


              • Russellmn
                Russellmn commented
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                It's Mark's plane.

            • #10
              Sometimes a relatively small number of folks can be influential.
              The FLY8MA email address from his website is

              There could really be something in the works too that we dont know about, I suppose. Mark G. must be pretty happy so far.

              For now 8MA is showing the whole world an adventure the Bearhawk line can produce and it activates the imagination. I find it hard to believe that the end game is not to show off its cross country efficiency and speed against the host of inferior STOL aircraft available. When you can go further on a tank of gas into the bush, the area available explore and imagine goes up exponentially. An imagination that depends on a Patrol is powerful. That makes it an elite aircraft, rightfully so.
              Last edited by Bcone1381; 08-08-2020, 08:04 AM.
              Brooks Cone
              Southeast Michigan
              Patrol #303, Kit build


            • #11
              Also wasn’t aware that it’s not his, nor is it my business.

              Either way, his videos are shot and edited pretty well. He gives away a ton of information on flight training for free. He’s a good ambassador to aviation and in many ways a first point of contact for many newcomers.
              Glad he’s flying a Patrol and not a Cub, kitfox, or JustAC like most Youtubers seem to gravitate towards.


              • #12
                I've never known Mark G to do anything foolish, and if he thinks its a good idea, who am I to say otherwise? After all, it's Mark's airplane! LOL

                But I just love seeing some YouTube videos that are NOT about Kitfox / CarbonCub / SuperStol aircraft for a change. I thought the first couple of videos Fly8MA did featuring the Patrol were pretty great advertising.
                Jim Parker
                Farmersville, TX (NE of Dallas)
                RANS S-6ES (E-LSA) with Rotax 912ULS (100 HP)


                • #13
                  I think its working fine...there is a large decal/sticker on both sides of the nose,,,saying "BEARHAWK PATROL"....the pilot is a celebrity of sorts....and a clean cut... positive ambassador for the industry...

                  the plane and pilot are stars of the show...i think both the Patrol and Fly8MA are a good fit....

                  and I dont think we should be talking about this in public...sometimes to create need to be subtle...and not in your face....I think its a good mix

                  i really enjoyed watching the video...its really ...really well made for a youtube vid...

                  remember the Rockford Filles..... and for the younger crowd...Fast and Furious...we all know what cars were used...its the cool actors working magic and thus legends are born....let the romance bloom....

                  I dont know crap about cars....but I do know the 1999 Nissan Skyline is one of the best stock factory cars ever made....cause i was educated by a movie...

                  so lets gently close the door on this and let the magic happen...cause what you could be witness to is the birth of a legend..

                  .....I say break out the cigars...
                  Last edited by way_up_north; 08-09-2020, 04:29 AM.


                  • #14
                    Originally posted by way_up_north View Post
                    I think its working fine...there is a large decal/sticker on both sides of the nose,,,saying "BEARHAWK PATROL"....the pilot is a celebrity of sorts....and a clean cut... positive ambassador for the industry...

                    the plane and pilot are stars of the show...i think both the Patrol and Fly8MA are a good fit....

                    and I dont think we should be talking about this in public...sometimes to create need to be subtle...and not in your face....I think its a good mix

                    i really enjoyed watching the video...its really ...really well made for a youtube vid...

                    remember the Rockford Filles..... and for the younger crowd...Fast and Furious...we all know what cars were used...its the cool actors working magic and thus legends are born....let the romance bloom....

                    I dont know crap about cars....but I do know the 1999 Nissan Skyline is one of the best stock factory cars ever made....cause i was educated by a movie...

                    so lets gently close the door on this and let the magic happen...cause what you could be witness to is the birth of a legend..

                    .....I say break out the cigars...
                    I've been in the branding and promoting business professionally for most of my life. I can tell you that the way he is publishing and promoting these videos is not effective. As a YouTuber myself, I know how minimal the effort really is to blow something up. Especially with a subscriber base and viewership like Jon has. A quick phone call to John McBean at Kitfox will give you an idea the impact Trent Palmer has had on his business. And John did not give Trent his (older) Kitfox. Call Cubcrafters and ask them what Kevin Quinn, Jason Sneed, Cory Robin, Mark Patey... Have done for their business. Look at what Mark Pensenstadler has done for Zenith. Steveo1Kinevo for Bose, Foreflight and the TBM market for Daher. Steve Thorn (Flight Chops) is building a RV-14 partially sponsored by Van's, those kits are months, if not years on back order from his videos alone. Just Aircraft has Highlanders on back order because of Steve Henry...

                    Go read Jon's ABOUT section on his YouTube channel. Does he mention Bearhawk? Nope... The Cessna 170 get's a shout out. But no Bearhawk... It's pathetic guys. Borderline rude in my opinion... If you're waiting for magic, I hope you're not holding your breath. My cigar is staying in the humidor.
                    Last edited by robcaldwell; 08-09-2020, 07:21 AM.
                    Rob Caldwell
                    Lake Norman Airpark (14A), North Carolina
                    EAA Chapter 309
                    Model B Quick Build Kit Serial # 11B-24B / 25B
                    YouTube Channel:
                    1st Flight May 18, 2021


                    • robcaldwell
                      robcaldwell commented
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                      I've made no mention of flying abilities, expertise, discipline and flat out raw talent. Only what these videos do for the promotion of the product they represent. From the day I encountered the Bearhawk, I've been astonished at the lack of promotion and insignificant featuring it gets. Which is why I decided to promote and share the Bearhawk through YouTube. I really don't consider what I'm doing narcissistic.

                    • zkelley2
                      zkelley2 commented
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                      Rob, I don't think what you do is either. But a bunch of the aviation youtube names you mentioned.... well. Ya.
                      Nothing you do is about you. It's about what you're doing. BIG difference. And I'm not saying they can't fly. Most cowboys have really good stick and rudder. They usually have hilariously poor ADM.

                      Someone that make really good aviation videos is Zane from BCP.
                      Patey's videos aren't about him either. I wish there was more "boring" engineering type talk, but I'm sure most his followers don't want that. I don't need to see another montage of stacking dimes and brushing epoxy, but that's what's sexy.

                      I think it's really hard to have a million+ following and be a person I would want to be within a mile of. The personality required to get there just isn't a good one.

                      I'm also intrigued by what Jon does or ends up doing considering the circumstances. But I can't fault him for not going full on toolbag to get views.
                      Last edited by zkelley2; 08-09-2020, 08:18 AM.

                    • schu
                      schu commented
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                      Growing up and learning to fly in Alaska, I would totally echo what Zach is saying. I can't stand the flying cowboys. Heck, when someone asks me if I'm a bush pilot the answer is a firm "no" even though I've hit all of the strips you typically see on youtube, and have flown to the Bering sea. The only person I can enjoy is Mike Patey, because it's not about him, it's about engineering and science. I've participated in the youtube movie thing a little bit, but even then, the mini movie was about how much of a bunch of posers we are, and the solution: Brisket.

                  • #15
                    To be fair, I do brand myself somewhat as there should always be a "who" when developing a process or a series. I think of it as a "follow along with me" exercise. It's the psychological connection for the follower. From there, I try to build on facts and experiences.

                    I also REALLY like Zane's videos and wish there were more of them! He makes art!
                    Rob Caldwell
                    Lake Norman Airpark (14A), North Carolina
                    EAA Chapter 309
                    Model B Quick Build Kit Serial # 11B-24B / 25B
                    YouTube Channel:
                    1st Flight May 18, 2021


                    • N942VT
                      N942VT commented
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                      Comparing this last video to the rest of his was an improvement for Bearhawk branding which was the point of this thread. Agreed, he needs to do better at highlighting the Patrol.. It's all about regular, steady content that imprints the brand on the potential customer.
                      Last edited by N942VT; 08-09-2020, 10:04 AM.