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Bearhawk Company Sale and Transition

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  • Bearhawk Company Sale and Transition

    Hey everyone, We wanted to announce some news in the Bearhawk world. I (Virgil Irwin) am very proud to announce that my wife and I have purchased Bearhawk Aircraft from Mark Goldberg. We have put a lot of work into structuring a strong company to serve you and your aircraft into the future. I want to personally reassure everyone that current orders will be honored. If you have an airplane on order there will be no interruption, production is continuing as normal. I look forward to sharing more with you in the coming weeks and earning your trust and support.

    Read more here

  • #2
    Welcome Virgil!

    The link above is getting redirected to a none secure sight that my computer is concerned about. Thoughts???

    Wish you success in your new venture!


    • #3
      Congrats Virgil.
      Love the new logo and want stickers!!!!
      Last edited by FFTravism; 02-27-2024, 10:11 PM.
      Travis M
      Bearhawk 5 Quickbuilt Kit Plane #5041
      Received December 2022


      • #4
        Congratulations,Virgil. I wish you both the best in your leadership of the company.


        • #5

          It's a new sight security warning should be gone in 24hrs


          • #6
            I'm very excited to see in what ways you continue to enhance this amazing brand Virgil, starting with something great and bringing it to a next level!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Bearhawk Aircraft View Post

              It's a new sight security warning should be gone in 24hrs
              Yes, works now. Website looking good at first glance, will look some more as time allows.

              I was impressed by you, your airplane, and organization at OSH23. Will be exciting to see the future unfold!

              Happy retirement Mark! Thanks for your suppport of the entire Bearhawk community through the years!!


              • #8
                Congrats Virgil

                I enjoyed our short chat at Oshkosh

                Look forward to getting to know you better.
                Revo Sunglasses Ambassador


                • #9
                  Big News, Virgil . . . I couldn't think of a better person for the job . . ! Exciting new path for you & your family . . . Look forward to meeting your wife at the SnF & OSH this year . . .
                  Best of Regards
                  Sir Newton


                  • #10
                    Congratulations Virgil and best wishes to you and your wife as you undertake leadership of building and supporting Bearhawk aircraft.


                    • #11
                      Congratulations Virgil!
                      I'm looking forward to seeing you grow the Bearhawk line.
                      Mark has done a fantastic job promoting Bearhawk!

                      I'm very happy for you both.


                      • #12
                        Congratulations Virgil, and I am pleased to see the news hit the press. Exciting to see the builder-assist program is up and running already, I wish you great success with that promising new development.

                        I wanted to take the opportunity to thank Mark Goldberg for all his hard work, dedicated customer support, and help he has provided us all - over all these years. Mark's attitude to customer care, and the wellbeing of those important people who manufacturer the kits, has been such a huge part of what made this company great.


                        • #13
                          Congratulations Virgil! Your videos have been a great learning resource.

                          With the flux around several other experimental kit companies, this is an excellent time to be showing a strong force. Best of luck!


                          • #14
                            I just dusted off my old manuals and plans recently (unpacked from a moving box) and am much closer to being in a position to building a BH. I re-found these forums and started diving in on YouTube to see what's happened over the last several years and I stumbled across Virgil's videos. Congrats to you and your wife on taking over the company. Mark, congrats on your retirement and for my flight in 303AP so many years ago.


                            • #15
                              All the best! New website and logo looks good!
                              Bearhawk "XHawk" Patrol, O-360, Trailblazer 80", tubeless 26" Goodyears, Stewart Systems. See XHawk Build Log.

