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N3XH Phase 1 Flight Testing

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  • #16
    Good stuff Rod! Phase 1 flying can be so fun or a significant challenge. I enjoyed it but was glad when I was done.

    133kts…I’m always jealous of you big engine guys.

    Sounds like you’re getting some MP. I’d love to see 23” at 7500 feet.

    Scratch Built 4-place Bearhawk. Continental IO-360, 88" C203 McCauley prop.


    • #17
      I now have 19 hours on the plane. It is flying great, and I am now much more comfortable with it, especially landing. After 17 hours of break in, my oil usage is 1 qt in 10 hours. I'm afraid it won't get much better. Although, I tried to limit it, I spent too much time on the ground before getting in the air for the first flight. Finally started working through the test cards. In the test manual there is a matrix showing weight and CG for each test. I have completed all those at light weight/forward CG. I'll now do the tests requiring heavy weight/forward/CG. I have determined that clean stall is 46kt,
      flaps 2 stall is 44kt, and flaps 4 is 41kt. I have calibrated my airspeed at several intervals between 50kt and 135kt. It is within 1kt of measured speed using 3 leg gps ground speed, except at 50kt where is reads 2 kt low. It took me 3 iterations to calibrate the fuel flow. This was a pain because our fuel pad is not level, so I would fill the tanks, then park it in my hangar and weigh the additional fuel I had to add from a can to get the tanks totally full. The initial K factor was quite a bit off, so fuel flows that I reported before were low. At 8000' 24/2200 my fuel flow is 15.5gph at 135kt. That is with the engine leaned to best power, 125 deg rich of peak. I did a test at what I think I will normally cruise at. 8000', 2100 rpm, 50 deg lean of peak. Fuel flow 9.9 gal hr and 125 kt. I didn't record the manifold pressure, I think it was about 21.5, full throttle. That extra 10kt comes at a huge cost! The lean assist feature in the G3X is great. As each cylinder peaks, the graphic changes from green to blue and you see a number showing how far below peak each cylinder is. I was thrilled to see that all 6 cylinders peaked within 15 deg. One of my biggest surprises was simulating a go around with full flaps. I thought it would require a large forward force on the stick until you adjusted the trim. With trim set for 52kt, when I went to full power and lifted the nose it didn't take much pressure on the stick to keep from over rotating. Biggest problem in that scenario is getting the flap setting reduced before you over speed them. I was surprised at the 46kt clean stall speed, expected it to be less. I am on the fence over installing VGs. Would like to see lower stall speeds. I'm thinking I should install them before completing the tests if I am going to. I think completing the tests should go pretty quickly now. I am thoroughly enjoying the testing, you really get to know your airplane.


      • #18
        Thank you for the update, all of that sounds totally in line with my experience, except for maybe the trim on go-around. The amount of pitch force needed during a go around will depend on CG. The more forward the cg, the more pitch trim is needed to reduce the stick force, so that may have been a factor in our differences of experience.

        I'd be curious to know which fuel flow sensor you have and which k-value you started with and ended up on. I'm knee deep in fuel flow sensors at the moment and hope to have a lot of detailed info when I make it to the other side. But so far I'm 6 weeks into a fuel flow odyssey without any flying. I hope to have it resolved shortly so that I can also complete the condition inspection.


        • #19
          Originally posted by jaredyates View Post
          Thank you for the update, all of that sounds totally in line with my experience, except for maybe the trim on go-around. The amount of pitch force needed during a go around will depend on CG. The more forward the cg, the more pitch trim is needed to reduce the stick force, so that may have been a factor in our differences of experience.

          Hi Jared, I was flying at 2150lbs and 15" cg when doing the go around testing.

          I'd be curious to know which fuel flow sensor you have and which k-value you started with and ended up on. I'm knee deep in fuel flow sensors at the moment and hope to have a lot of detailed info when I make it to the other side. But so far I'm 6 weeks into a fuel flow odyssey without any flying. I hope to have it resolved shortly so that I can also complete the condition inspection.
          I have the EI FT60 red cube. The default setting was 68000. I ended up at 66145.


          • alaskabearhawk
            alaskabearhawk commented
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            FWIW, I used the gold cube, FT-90. The fuel sensor product comparison on the EI web site says: "Up to 350 HP engines, engine driven fuel pumps only" Since I have a boost pump, I went with the gold cube. I don't know if that makes any difference in practice.

        • #20
          Thanks Rod, that is interesting. One of the selling points of the EI units is that they are supposed to be pre-calibrated so that you don't have to adjust the k-value but I'm glad you've got it sorted.


          • svyolo
            svyolo commented
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            I assumed that was the case as well. My EFI computer spits out a "red cube signal" that was waaayyyy way off for my engine monitor. It is probably within 10% now, but I won't get it tighter until I go somewhere for an hour or two.

        • #21
          Originally posted by rodsmith View Post
          I now have 19 hours on the plane. It is flying great, and I am now much more comfortable with it, especially landing……… I was surprised at the 46kt clean stall speed, expected it to be less. I am on the fence over installing VGs. Would like to see lower stall speeds. I'm thinking I should install them before completing the tests if I am going to. I think completing the tests should go pretty quickly now. I am thoroughly enjoying the testing, you really get to know your airplane.
          Rod, go ahead and install a set of Stolspeed VG’s in the 1.1-2.5% Chord range. That alone, with a CG in the middle (23-25% Chord) should make a significant difference. The CG is important to maximize the lift ability of the wing rather than creating drag on the tail having to hold the engine up.


          • #22

            First journey on the VG path should be under the horizontal stabilizer, about 3 in forward of the hinge line.

            Very notable improvement in pitch authority at slow speeds.

            Adding VG to the wing did not result in a noticeable reduction in stall speed. It did / does keep the feel solid and crisp. When the stall happens it exhibits a large sink rate. No nose drop, sink is formidable and treated with caution as it takes some energy and time to arrest the sink.

            Interesting your speeds are almost Identical to mine.

            Kevin D
            Phase 1 complete



            • #23
              Originally posted by AZBearhawk272 View Post

              First journey on the VG path should be under the horizontal stabilizer, about 3 in forward of the hinge line.

              Very notable improvement in pitch authority at slow speeds.

              Adding VG to the wing did not result in a noticeable reduction in stall speed. It did / does keep the feel solid and crisp. When the stall happens it exhibits a large sink rate. No nose drop, sink is formidable and treated with caution as it takes some energy and time to arrest the sink.

              Interesting your speeds are almost Identical to mine.

              Kevin D
              Phase 1 complete

              Hi Kevin, was that with the flat or profiled tail, or is it advantageous for either. I did notice that with the profiled tail, power off stalls with flaps 4 required nearly full aft stick at 15"cg.


              • #24
                Have installed VG’s on both horizontal types of construction with positive results on both.

                My pitch stability and hand off return to trim speed were all acceptable. Then I lowered the horizontal leading edge about 3/16 of an inch after installation of tail VG’s
                no stability degradation but notable improvement in
                low speed elevator authority.

                Your results may vary. I miss read the tape measure during construction and my fuselage is 18 inches longer than stock…….. nice mistake.
                Proceed with incremental caution…

                Kevin D


                • Nev
                  Nev commented
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                  Very interesting Kev.

                • Nev
                  Nev commented
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                  I'd like to start a new thread on this topic. I expect I'm about to learn something here !

              • #25
                I now have 28 hours on the plane. On my post on 2-18 I had reported I was losing a quart of oil in 10 hours. Turned out it was somewhat worse than that. After a detailed discussion with the most knowledgeable engine guy I know, I decided to work more on seating the rings. Lowell is one of our chapter tech counselors, was an engineer at Pratt and Whitney, after retiring there he moved to Colorado and spent 5 years re building Lycoming engines at Western Skyways in Montrose. He had stories about how engines that had failed to break in had been saved by very hard running for a period of time. He suggested long flights at as high a power setting as temperatures would allow, no additional landings or flight at low power settings. So that is all I have been doing the last 8 hours. A 2 hour flight, and two 3 hour flights. I think it worked. My last 5 hours of flying, I have seen no decrease in oil level. Although I have a 50nm radius test area, the amount of low elevation area is limited, and by low elevation I am talking 5-6 thousand feet. To get the most MP I found the best area to fly was the Colorado River valley between Grand Junction and Rifle. I have spent a lot of time flying back and forth in the valley at 6000', 500' agl. For about a 30 mile stretch there is a road that runs next to I-70, low traffic, no wires, seems like a great emergency landing option. A couple flights I saw 25" of MP pressure. I will take one more high power 2 hour flight, then change oil to Phillips Victory, then I can get on with flight testing. It's interesting how many close bird encounters I am having. Hawks, Eagles, Ravens, a lone goose. Today was the first time I had to take evasive action. Had a flock of 50 or so Sand Hill Cranes approaching at my altitude, made a 45 deg turn to avoid them. The more I fly this plane the more impressed I am with it. It is such a docile tail dragger. Actually should make a good trainer for a new pilot or pilot new to tail draggers, with an instructor skilled in teaching management of high power engines.

                DSCF2840.jpg DSCF2833.jpg DSCF2823.jpg


                • svyolo
                  svyolo commented
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                  I thing I am about a quart every 8-10, with no leaking, and I have a air/oil seperator.

                  I got my TW rating in a 65 hp Champ a few months before my first flight. I was a bit worried about the "high power" part of the TW equation on my 540 BH. Turns out the BH rudder is also "high power". I really didn't really notice a difference in that regard. Obviously the climb is a lot better.

              • #26
                Normal oil consumption on a 6 cylinder engine is a quart in 4hrs to a quart in 12 hours so I think you are fine.


                • #27
                  Originally posted by gregc View Post
                  Normal oil consumption on a 6 cylinder engine is a quart in 4hrs to a quart in 12 hours so I think you are fine.
                  I am probably setting my standards too high. Lowell's award winning homebuilt has an engine nearly identical to mine. He doesn't need to add oil between oil changes at 30 hours, and he had tougher conditions for breakin, doing it in July.

