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Asking around - Electronic Ignition options for O-360 with single mag mount?

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  • #16
    If you decide to stay with the dual mag ignition, I have a complete dual mag system (except plugs) that I removed from my IO-360-A3B6D. I’d let you have it for a really good price if you’d like a back-up to keep on the shelf. I’m using a dual Lightspeed (my 2nd aircraft with dual L.S.- never been disappointed.) If interested, contact me at
    Best wishes.
    Ray Strickland


    • #17
      Personally I would do whatever it takes to get away from the Bendix dual mag. Don't understand how that ever got certified. I flew 500 hrs in a Maule with one, it always worried me, but I had a mechanic who knew how to maintain it properly and it never gave me any problem. In the same time I was flying behind one, two Maules went down in Alaska due to dual mag failures. Both planes were write offs, one pilot uninjured but spent several days waiting to be rescued, the other had minor injuries. Really raised my pucker factor, especially the few times I flew from Anchorage to Kodiak.


      • #18
        I think 99% of 4 cylinder Lycoming engines have similar accessory cases but a call to Bob B would answer whether you can swap out the required parts with the engine you have. Lots of used parts available. Several people I know walking around this part of the country with stainless steel rods and pins in their back from the dual mag failure in Cessna products. Just sayin...

        Steve W


        • #19
          Hi Ray, Rod and Steve - yep, I don't know much about the dual mags, and have never flown in an aircraft with one, but for me the deciding factor is this:
          Bendix/TCM don't support them anymore, and Lycoming are offering to change out the single drive accessory cases at overhaul.
          If the technology was still valid, it would still be supported somehow.

          Thanks for the offer of the dual mag Ray, but at this stage I'm going to go with my gut and try another system.

          As for changing the cases, I've been talking to a couple of guys here in Australia, and tried to call the Lycoming rep here, but it seems it's not just as easy as changing the casing, there's some changes to the drive train required as well, and that may not be possible for my exact model. Parts are limited here compared with the US, so it's often a matter of luck landing on the right part or the right person with the right knowledge.

          The main question I really need to answer for the moment is how can I keep my existing case, but modify my drive pad / magneto housing to accept a single bendix or slick mag into this dual port.

          If anyone has done this, or can give me a link to someone who has, please let me know! :-)


          The Barrows Bearhawk: Who knew my wife could get jealous of a plane?


          • #20
            "What I ended up with was a customized Bendix 1200 mag, plus a Lightspeed electronic ignition using a flywheel sensor. I believe it was Arn-Air in Iowa that knew exactly what drive to use and other parts to put together the customized 1200."

            Arn Air

            The Ignition Specialists

            Magneto and Ignition Harness Rebuilding
            FAA Certified Repair Station #QKKR742L
            Piston Engine Ignition Parts Sales & Service -- World Wide


            • svyolo
              svyolo commented
              Editing a comment
              Cut and pasted.

              There was also some info that said the rotation is the opposite of most magnetos. You need one that rotates in the correct direction for the dual drive.
              Last edited by svyolo; 04-19-2020, 07:42 AM.

            • James
              James commented
              Editing a comment
              Righto mate, I've printed off your post there, and I'll give them a bell.

              Thanks heaps! :-)

          • #21
            Dual Mags:

            I think I've talked about this before on this forum, but in case I didn't... When I purchased my Commander 114, I had a very thorough pre-purchase inspection done by an A&P/IA who used to be a Rockwell dealer. He was intimately familiar with the airplane. The first call he made to me was "Jim, I'm looking at the logs, and they indicate that the dual-mag was 'IRAN' about 50 hours ago. But looking at it, I do not believe that it has been touched in years. I strongly recommend we send it out to be serviced." I agreed, and when he pulled it out, he found the "plastic" gear that is driven by the accessory case (which in turn engages with the two magneto drives) was extremely worn – so much so that he could literally turn each magneto drive independently. It was an absolute miracle that the magnetos were still timed correctly, as only gravity and luck were keeping them engaged with that drive gear. He send me pictures (which I no longer have, unfortunately). I was appalled at the condition, as was the previous owner, who had trusted his previous A&P/IA explicitly (but no longer).

            After hearing my tale of woe, a bunch of owners who belong to the Commander Owners Group (COG) pulled theirs to have them inspected as well. Several of them found similar issues with that drive gear (though not quite so bad as mine).

            It took several weeks to get the dual mag overhauled and returned to service, and it cost a pretty penny as well. The COG folks now have an STC available (through Jim Richards, "the" guru and DAR for Commanders) to replace the engine with one that has separate mags. Almost everyone replaces the dual-mag engine with the STC'ed version at overhaul.

            I personally would not ever trust that dual-mag setup again without personal knowledge that it had been sent off for rebuild/repair. And given the choice, I would definitely swap out the case for one that supported two separate magnetos.
            Jim Parker
            Farmersville, TX (NE of Dallas)
            RANS S-6ES (E-LSA) with Rotax 912ULS (100 HP)


            • #22
              Your head space is exactly right, safety first, reliability first. Modern high quality EI is as reliable or more reliable than old refurbished mags I have to say - I started with Mags and only lived to regret it, several failures and lots of downtime.

              If you go for a fringe system or something complicated, or course there will be trouble. Hall effect sensors on the gear ring, multiple large batteries, etc - I am not a fan either. Lots of tuning and lots to go wrong.

              Systems which are simple and bolt on replacements, like the Emag / Pmag and SIM mags, appear to be a much more reliable option with all the added benefits of EI and reliability of mags.


              • robcaldwell
                robcaldwell commented
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                I think there needs to be more emphasis on the time in service for Emag / PMag / SureFly on 6 cylinders vs. 4 cylinders.... Quite a bit for 4 cylinders, not much for 6 cylinders. (Doesn't apply to Light Speed and the like) Which is why I decided go with Slick Mags for my 6 cylinder, for now. If mine was a 4 cylinder, I would have different thoughts...