If you decide to stay with the dual mag ignition, I have a complete dual mag system (except plugs) that I removed from my IO-360-A3B6D. I’d let you have it for a really good price if you’d like a back-up to keep on the shelf. I’m using a dual Lightspeed (my 2nd aircraft with dual L.S.- never been disappointed.) If interested, contact me at rays@ntelos.net.
Best wishes.
Ray Strickland
If you decide to stay with the dual mag ignition, I have a complete dual mag system (except plugs) that I removed from my IO-360-A3B6D. I’d let you have it for a really good price if you’d like a back-up to keep on the shelf. I’m using a dual Lightspeed (my 2nd aircraft with dual L.S.- never been disappointed.) If interested, contact me at rays@ntelos.net.
Best wishes.
Ray Strickland